We’ve been Kate-consumed!

The ongoing creative obsessiveness of Kate Bingaman-Burt continues, and UPPERCASE was one of the lucky recipients of her consumption! Prints documenting her summer purchases are available on 20×200. The great thing about 20×200 is that you can pick a print size and edition that you can afford. I wish I could afford the largest print, but one of the smaller ones certainly isn’t out of reach.

Etsy ad page in Issue 3

We’re looking for Etsy sellers who would like to advertise in the next issue (to be launched October 1). Ads start at just $72 Canadian for subscribers and $90 for non-subscribers.

Are you one of my favourite sellers? I’d love to hear from you! Click here to contact us.

Frisco Films

As a strange coincidence, both Harold and Maude and Vertigo were featured in film reviews in the Summer issue of the magazine.

Thanks again to Marigold Santos for her delicately macabre pencil-drawn movie poster for H & M. And to Janine for her colorful interpretation of Jimmy Stewart’s fear of heights as pictured below.

Surprise Ball

UPPERCASE magazine subscriber, Gina Namkung, makes these incredible Surprise Balls, little balls filled with fun treats. She recently sent one to Sandra Juto, who shot the images above.

“From as far back as I can remember, be it a ring from a gumball vending machine, a Cracker Jack prize, the thrill of a piñata, Christmas stocking treats, I have always been drawn to small things. The desire to include items that are ephemeral, whimsical, charming and or amusing set mine apart from others – this is what I hope. It’s the quality of the goods (and sometimes rarity) that matters…for some it may be hard to open (and I kind of like that) but people are never disappointed by what they find inside.”

Great idea, Gina! The surprise balls are available at Kiosk. (Look for photography by Sandra Juto in the fall issue of UPPERCASE magazine.)

Meet Greet

The Regional Assembly of Text is a marvelous place! Brandy and Rebecca were so friendly and generous—I am completely inspired by their store, products and approach to business. I’ve taken dozens of pictures, but you’ll have to wait until the fall issue for those!

Thank you to everyone who stopped by; it was so nice to meet you all. This trip to Vancouver was really enjoyable—thank you for the warm reception!

(Photo of one of Brandy and Rebecca’s greeting cards.)

What is your Cinema Paradiso?

UPPERCASE magazine is working on a special feature to capture the aura, architectural glory and ageing wonder of movie palaces across the world.

If you have a remarkable art deco theatre, majestic movie house, or otherwise inspiring cinematheque in your town or city, please send us a photograph to help commemorate this increasingly rare form of visual culture in print.

*The photograph above is from a cinematheque in Helsinki that Janine visited on her recent travels.

Cinema Paradiso

If movies offer us a rare form of modern day magic, the spell is cast in part by the special charms of the movie theatre.

Giuseppe Tornatore’s Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988) is a loving celebration of a small town cinematheque, told through the lens of a fimmaker’s childhood memories. A sweet, nostalgic romance, Italian-style.

Slow and steady

A note to our subscribers in the USA: I know some of you are still waiting for your magazines to arrive! Seems that Canada Post was a little slower than promised, but please be patient—they’ll arrive soon. Now that we have a larger base of subscribers, I can look into other options that might be more efficient for round 3. It’s all part of growing from 0 to 500+ subscribers in a short while!

We’re grateful for all the love and attention you’ve given our fledgling magazine. We hope to welcome many more subscribers in the weeks and months ahead.

We have just a few single copies available in our online shop and we’re reserving the rest for new subscribers who sign up between now and issue 3. If you’d like to try out issue 2 before committing to a subscription, single copies are available from our fabulous stockists (across Canada, pockets of the USA plus the UK and Australia). There are also some preview images of the summer edition posted here and you can read a representational portion of the spring launch issue here. Thanks!

The Sweet Tweeds

Kevin Tweed is a talented potter and Kirstie Tweed is an amazing photographer. In the current issue, we feature Kevin’s ceramics and creative process as photographed by his wife, Kirstie. It’s one of my favourite articles. (Kirstie and I have a bit of a mutual admiration society going on, I think!)

The contents of summer

If you’re looking for something to read during your summer holidays, may we humbly suggest Issue 2? Here’s a small sampling of what’s inside: