Eley Kishimoto


I LOVE these furnishing fabrics by Eley Kishimoto …. available at one of these addresses

Katrina Kaye


When Andy got a job offer in Amsterdam Katrina and he moved and are living there ever since … for former graphic designer this was the perfect timing to make her dream come true and start her own business making pillows, bags, babyclothes, soft toys and more from vintage fabrics …Katrinakaye_bag

Soon Katrina’s business started growing and she asked Andy to join her fulltime, so he gave up his day-time job and now she and him run their full time Etsy business, katrinakayeKatrinakaye_market

Katrina also sells her terrific handmade goodies at some of the best markets in Amsterdam, like the Noordermarkt … right now a big SALE on all the army bags is going on in their online shop … so please have a look right here and here you can read a great interview with Trina and Andy