Finally! Someone made an LED desk lamp that can change from a cool blue color to a warmer yellow color with a touch of a button. On top of that, it has a USB port for charging. To add to that pile, it looks pretty sweet. OMG, I used the word “sweet”. I must be short on adjectives because I’m actually really excited about this lampe from Satechi.
The versatile lamp was designed to meet the lighting needs of business pros, students and busy moms and features user friendly touch controls to toggle between four different brightness levels. The sleek and glossy lamp’s four different modes provide the ideal amount of light for enjoying a good book, studying for an upcoming test, taking a load off after a busy day or having a peaceful night’s rest.
- Reading Mode – Stimulates concentration and reduces eye strain with mid-range color temperatures (4300K-5300K)
- Study Mode – Increases attention and concentration with high-range color temperatures (6000K-7000K)
- Relaxation Mode – Promotes relaxation along with improved mood with low-range color temperatures (2500K-3300K)
- Bedtime Mode – Encourages deep sleep with a comfortable soft light (2500K-3300K)
The Satechi Smart LED Desk Lamp is available for an introductory price of $99.99 at Satechi and Amazon.
Designer: Satechi
Yanko Design
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(The Perfect LED Desk Lamp was originally posted on Yanko Design)
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