Cool Hunting Video Presents: Prototyping Displays with Chris Weisbart

Our latest video looks at the prototyping process behind museum displays

Due to an unfortunate misunderstanding with Chris Weisbart this video has been removed.

Esquire AR Video

Une belle initiative de la société Esquire avec l’agence The Barbarian Group pour intégrer de l’interactivité dans la dernière édition papier du magazine. Un numéro spécial “Augmented Reality” en kiosques, avec un design et des éléments d’animation 3D par Psyop.



Previously on Fubiz

Some Props to the NYT

OK, so in my last entry I was pretty hard on the site and how “slow, plodding and innovation-averse” it — and almost all other similar newspapers — tend to be in an increasingly digital era. Well now I need to give them a few props.

Today, I just found the Times’ “Inside the Playbook” section, where it offers original, 3-D generated videos that break-down certain key plays and strategy in NFL football games. Now those of you who know me, know that I’m a pretty passionate (embarrassingly so, sometimes) Philadelphia Eagles fan, so this was a pretty interesting find for me, personally. See the video grab below:

This is actually a very cool feature. As shown above, it gives step-by-step insight into the strategy employed, as well as a very realistic 3-D rendering of the play itself. The video shown above is the “Explanation” view.

There is also an “Aerial view”:

Aerial view

Aerial view

as well as “Player’s view”:

Players view

Player's view

Most of what I said regarding the site, as well as the rest of the newspaper industry and their sites, still applies. But I wanted to post this because I am very impressed by the use of this interactive technology! Kudos!!!
