The Sentimental Side of Weather

Weddar takes the popular climate-related question, “how does it feel outside?” quite literally. Positioned as a people-powered weather service, The new iPhone app asks its community of users to give their emotional interpretation of current weather conditions.

Razorfish 5: 5 Technologies that will transform your business

Razorfish released their annual technology guide earlier this week. Ray Velez, Chief Technology Officer, says: “Our report offers businesses a comprehensive guide to the technologies they will need to understand and implement in order to satisfy consumers’ ever-evolving expectations, and stay competitive in the marketplace.”

All things Swiss

HowdyHeidi is a new blog paying homage to all things Swiss. It was designed Brooklyn’s favorite Swiss Designer ?

Are you an iPhone developer? Need someone to code it? is the place for you.


Jim Carrey’s World

Jim Carrey’s flash heavy website takes you for a visually bizarre ride. It is one of the best sites we’ve seen all year. Check it out here.

The Wonderwall Experience

This is a very interesting navigational structure by interior design company Wonderwall. Experience it here.


Social Media Counter

How much is social media growing? Gary Hayes’s flash application is based on data pulled from a myriad of social media sources and gives you a glimpse into the activity of Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and much more. To download the Social Media Counter go here.

Apple’s Hyperwall

At this year’s WWDC, Apple is showcasing 20,000 of the most popular iPhone apps on a massive hyperwall constructed with 20 Apple Cinema HD displays. The wall highlights the apps activity by lighting-up its icon with each customer download. Peak over at Apple Insider for more images of the installation.


San Francisco Earthquake Quiz

QuakeQuizSF, is a simple but effective quiz geared to inform citizens of the Bay Area on what to do in the event of an earthquake. This reminds us a bit of The Los Angeles Earthquake: Get Ready initiative that went down last fall, but on a smaller scale.

The quiz has six daily life situations pictured with illustrations where users have to decide which action they should take when the emergency happens.


Audi’s Sales are up

2008 left nearly every automaker running on empty, but Audi somehow managed to record its best year of sales ever. Shockingly the company earned $42 billion in revenue during 2008, a 4.1 percent increase from a year earlier.

While other companies are cutting back on their annual report budgets Audi put it into 5th gear and developed a stunning interactive report that is a must see. To take a ride you know what to do.