Image Spark

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Finally an amazing place to put all the stuff that we find online!

Developed by Teehan+Lax of Toronto, Image Spark allows you to open an account (free at the moment) where you can collect images, build mood boards, and even participate in a community of people doing the same thing. Best of all, they’ve created three different ways to upload your content: right (apple) click and select ‘image spark’ from the drop-down, screen selection, or the ol’ fashioned way (upload from file). Each method allows for the accompaniment of a description, tag list, and/or privacy setting. Definitely worth messing around with. However, I am looking forward to the addition of a few features (Namely the ability to archive files onto your own computer, bug fixes for the ‘apple clicking’ upload method (I’ve had problems), and more of an off-site use for the mood boards).