Saturday’s assorted links

Except for when a kind neighbor drove me to the grocery store in his all-wheel drive station wagon on Monday, I haven’t left my house in 10 days. Since I declared February as Super Simple Month, I guess I should think of this time as Mother Nature’s way of helping me to keep to my plans. (We’ve received about 4′ of snow in the past two weeks.) But, unfortunately, being shut up in my house for so long has negatively affected my creativity. I haven’t been able to run (usually this is my time to be alone with my thoughts each day), and I’m finding nothing in my house inspiring right now.

Instead of reading about my cabin fever, I thought you might enjoy checking out some links that have more valuable insights into uncluttering, organizing, and simple living than I can produce right now. Trust me, this is what is best for all of us:

Zipco closet organizer: Pies! Pies! Pies!

I had a good laugh at this sketch from this past weekend’s episode of Saturday Night Live, and I wanted to share the fun. Erin lost it at “Dirt!” and now I can’t stop chanting, “Pies! Pies! Pies!” And, we should definitely warn you, it’s probably not safe to watch at work because of the “testimonial” in the middle of the sketch.

7 rules to understand design and designers

Design generally speaking is often overlooked and misunderstood. This typographic poster highlights 7 rules to understand design & designers. Would look nice in a conference room no?


Clutter-related fun

Since yesterday’s post was melancholic, today we’ll keep things on the lighter side. The first post today is a series of fun links related to clutter and uncluttering.

First up, Naomi Seldin at The Times Union in Albany yesterday posted a new Clutter Game (pictured). Using your arrow keys, catch the “clutter in the donation box before it fills the house.” My high score is a lame 270 — when you need a quick break, see if you can beat me.

Up on deck next is a strip from the comic Basic Instructions. Scott Meyer’s “How to Accept an Unwanted Gift” is a new favorite.

Finally, a number of Unclutterer readers forwarded me the links to two great strips on the cartoon site Wondermark. Enjoy “In Which Beth Keeps Her Books” and “A Rat Has Many Hobbies.”

Have you seen any fun clutter-related things recently? Share your cheerful discoveries in the comments.

How to make Hot Coffee

I think I’ll settle for the French Press. For more fun facts go here.

Friday Fluff: Church Drum n Bass Rave

Pure, straight up comedy, especially since it’s the mirror image of dance festivities at an actual rave – sans glow sticks and illegal drugs, of course.

via Mindless Culture:

Friday Fluff: Clients From Hell

Clients From Hell is a blog we stumbled upon recently that functions as a resource to vent ones frustrations for those clients that we have all had at one point or another. To submit your own story go here.

Feel Like Procrastinating?

Watch this stop-motion piece by John Kelly!

Did you Know….

Learn Something Everyday visualizes obscure facts like “In Equal Quantity a Lemon has More Sugar than a Strawberry.” Food for thought I guess. What is so intriguing about these small insights are the witty illustrations. To learn more see this.


pepsi boob



instructions when packing on the shelves: DO NOT STACK CANS ONE ON TOP OF THE OTHER.