Crystal Christmas at Atelier Beau Travail in Paris


Atelier1BeauTravail Atelier-Beau-Travail-057-copie Atelier-Beau-Travail

Atelier Beau Travail are 4 designers who share a workshop in Paris and once in a while they organise these amazing exhibitions… last weekend 'Crystal Christmas' started…and oh how I wish I could pop-over and visit. I like all the things I see in these images and would be so happy to do some Christmas shopping here… 


 some of the artisits for the 'Crystal Christmas' exhibition are: Marion Dubier Clark  ; Marie Delafon ; Céline Saby  ;  Atsuko-ishii ;  Adeline Affre ;  Delphine DunoyerAconit Napel ; Rachel Péloquin et Hélène Georget …and many more.

….but would you like to see the whole list then visit the blog. Who will be visiting? You?? 





Christmas week on Bloesem


Good-morning, after a super fun day yesterday where we were celebrated the Dutch tradition Sinterklaas it is time to start focusing on the Christmas decoration in our house. It's not easy to feel the real spirit when living in a tropical land…but images like these from Pia do help 🙂 …I can't believe Amsterdam looked liked this last weekend… almost like a fairy-tale. 

This whole week Christmas will be on my mind and I'm inviting you to send me images of Christmas decoration in your home…the ones we like best will be shown here on Bloesem throughout the coming weeks! Don't be shy …we love to see your decorations and ideas!


The wonderful 2D Wall Christmas tree above is from Tanja Soeter, she made it from braided metal wire on a steel frame and is excellent for smaller spaces. I love the idea of hanging it above the dining table, put special messages in it and play with during Christmas diner!

little winter market…


Most of us have many dreams of things they still would like to accomplish in their lifes…well three of the things that have always been and still are on my 'Big-things-in-life-to-do-List' is 1. opening up a small art shop + craft area 2. organizing something to raise money for Charity here in Asia (working on that) and 3. organising a market like this 'little winter market' one day…and I mean a visuel stunning handmade market place were you can buy beautiful items taht are made with love and 


Littlewintermarket Littlewintermarket2

The little winter market in Portland, Oregon was created by Abby from Abby try Again and Chelsea from Frolic…and many of my favorite American creatives displayed their beautiful goods here…

from what I believe it was a HUGE success and I completely understand…would love to go shopping in a market smae like the little winter market. I assume they will organise it again next year? You can find a list of all the vendors in the sidebanner of their blog. More beautiful pictures here by little ocean annie



{images from Abby…}

Stylish Gift wrapping


Did you already start wrapping your Christmas Gifts…no, then please have a look at these gorgeous papers and ribbons, a new collaboration between Angela Liguori and Pikku Cloth and Waresavailable right here..



Lovely handmade gift tags, cards and stamps from MothballCharlie…right here in her etsy shop.