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Per i vostri playground notturni tabbozzi c’è la rete da basket fosforescente. La trovate su Fancy.

Solebox x Supra Skytop III

La collaborazione tra lo store berlinese Solebox e Supra ha prodotto questo modello di Skytop III glow in the dark. La combo di colori è tra le mie preferite, aspettiamo ora la release per capire se ce la potremo anche permettere.

Solebox x Supra Skytop III

Laser Shirt! Pew Pew!

The popularity of glow-in-the-dark graphics on t-shirts has faded somewhat over the years, but this new line of threads aims to bring the signature neon back in an entirely new & innovative way. Utilizing a specialized material, each shirt can be completely customized from front to back by applying a UV laser light. Apply your unique designs or text from up to 40 ft away. Better yet, the shirt can be redesigned after it fades! Hit the jump to see it in action!

Designer: Glow Threads

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs – Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
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(Laser Shirt! Pew Pew! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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  1. T-Shirt Pocket Does More Than You Think
  2. T-Shirt Reality
  3. A Clean Shirt Everyday

World’s First Glow In The Dark Skatepark

Sk8are di notte in mancanza di luci è sempre stata una menata così l’artista Koo Jeong ha pensato bene di scolpire OTRO, un park fosforescente nei pressi di Bruxelles.

World’s First Glow In The Dark Skatepark

iPhone 4 Glow In The Dark Edge

Per la versione Glow In The Dark in foto, contattate SmashedDecals. Nel momento in cui pubblico il post, ce ne sono 40 disponibili, scommetto in un sold out imminente!

Kanye West – Glow in the Dark

Réalisée par Nabil Elderkin, voici la nouvelle vidéo de promotion du livre photo de la tournée du chanteur Kanye West : Glow in the Dark. Publié aux éditions Rizzoli, il recense 400 photos et de nombreux textes autour du concert, à découvrir dans la suite.





Previously on Fubiz