Only two more days to have your say: Coroflot’s 2009 Salary Survey closes Thursday night!

The economy’s still down, but how far down is it? Are designers weathering the storm with ease and grace, or are they catching the full brunt?

To answer these questions, you need information, and to get that information, The Coroflot Design Salary Survey needs your response. If you haven’t responded to the call yet, there’s still time, but don’t dawdle–the survey closes at 11:59pm, EST on Thursday, October 29.

Now in its ninth incarnation, this is the world’s largest and longest-running survey specifically targeted at the creative professions in all their diversity. Whether you’re in ID, IxD, Graphic Design, Architecture, Art Direction, or any of the other myriad specialties that hang out on Coroflot, this is the place to let the world know that it pays–or doesn’t pay–to be a creative professional. And as always, more responses equals more reliable results, so painting a clear picture of the current state of the profession is in your hands.

Responding is simple, and takes all of 2 minutes. Just click over to Coroflot and fill out the form–it looks like this:


Please remember to give your annual salary (not monthly or weekly), and while readers from all countries are eagerly encouraged to participate, salaries should be converted to US Dollars for comparison purposes. See the Survey page for more details.

>>Heed the call and make your voice heard here.


Core77 Forum Topic: Some unusual helmets

Featured Forum Topic of the Day:
Some unusual helmets
by Mr-914 in Consumer Products

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this, but sport helmet design has really taken off the last five years…I think it’s really cool to see these kinds of products getting more sculptural and designed. Anyone else have some good picks?

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Coroflot Design Job of the Day: Senior Product Designer, 3M Japan, Tokyo


Senior Product Designer
3M Japan


We are seeking a very talented product / industrial designer with a strong understanding of the integration of design into the corporate business environment and the specific ability to effectively influence across multiple organizations. Applicants should possess excellent 3-D drawing/sketching abilities, as well as a strong proficiency in cad to communicate design concepts and a significant experience in the product development process of diverse products. S/he will be responsible for developing extraordinary products for the Japanese market.

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The best design jobs and portfolios hang out at Coroflot.


Core77 Forum Topic: Design Vernacular

strong>Featured Forum Topic of the Day:
design vernacular
by IDiot in General Design Discussion

I can not stand when designers (or anyone) use the word “SIMPLISTIC” when they mean simple, clean, minimal, etc. Simplistic is a negative term meaning overly simple, or simplified “to a degree where important details are lost.” Anybody else have any words or terms they hear/see misused that frustrate them?

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Coroflot Design Job of the Day: Footwear Color Designer, Puma, Herzogenaurach, Germany


Footwear Color Designer

Herzogenaurach, Germany

The Footwear Color Designer will define and execute against seasonal color and material initiatives for the international footwear product range. Tasks and responsibilities include: create and apply color and material palettes to seasonal footwear product lines; work closely as a member of the Product Line Management, Footwear Design and Product Development Teams, assisting in planning and merchandising of seasonal footwear product lines; travel to domestic and international markets to develop and monitor fashion and consumer trends that can be applied to PUMA’s own product range.

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The best design jobs and portfolios hang out at Coroflot.


Coroflot Design Job of the Day: Industrial Design Chair, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn


Pratt Institute

Brooklyn, New York

Pratt Institute and its Industrial Design Department are undertaking a search for the position of Chairperson of the combined undergraduate BID and graduate MID programs. The ideal candidate for the position possesses a combination of experience in the field with the academic credentials and vision to continue to build Pratt’s standing as one of the top Industrial Design programs in the world. The Department is located on Pratt’s historic 25-acre landscaped Brooklyn campus. This administrative appointment carries a twelve month per year workload and a three year contract which may be renewed.

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The best design jobs and portfolios hang out at Coroflot.


Coroflot Design Job of the Day: Design Professor, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois


Design Professor
Northwestern University

Evanston, Illinois

We seek a senior person with strong design background and leadership skills. Applicants may be academic with PhD and research and publications in design or practitioner with extensive industrial and applied experience in design & business. The position is for a tenured faculty member or Clinical Professor (non-tenure track). In the former case, the appointment will be within whatever engineering department best matches the candidate’s training and expertise. A PhD is desirable and an established record of research and highly visible publications in design are essential.

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The best design jobs and portfolios hang out at Coroflot.


Core77 Forum Topic: Exploited designers in a down economy?

Featured Forum Topic of the Day:
Exploited designers in a down economy?
by aubz in General Design Discussion

hey all. have any of you recently done freelance work for a day or two and later was told the project was on hold, the company is in a hold pattern because of downturn right after you have done good work, long wait in compensation or none at all?

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Coroflot Design Job of the Day: Executive Director, UIC Innovation Center, Chicago, Illinois


Executive Director
UIC Innovation Center

Chicago, Illinois

UIC is currently seeking an ambitious individual to lead the Innovation Center. Through engagement in interdisciplinary innovation–linking university departments and programs with current and potential external partners–the Director will work to expand and enhance current education and development efforts, to grow offerings and activities, and to establish and maintain a self-sustaining financial model for the Center.

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The best design jobs and portfolios hang out at Coroflot.


Core77 Forum Topic: What cell phone do you own?

Featured Forum Topic of the Day:
What call phone do you own?
by Dubya in off topic

During the past month or so I have been interested in getting a new cell phone but can’t make a decision. I was wondering what phones/carriers everyone is using and what they think of them from a designers point of view.

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