Only two more days to have your say: Coroflot’s 2009 Salary Survey closes Thursday night!
Posted in: UncategorizedThe economy’s still down, but how far down is it? Are designers weathering the storm with ease and grace, or are they catching the full brunt?
To answer these questions, you need information, and to get that information, The Coroflot Design Salary Survey needs your response. If you haven’t responded to the call yet, there’s still time, but don’t dawdle–the survey closes at 11:59pm, EST on Thursday, October 29.
Now in its ninth incarnation, this is the world’s largest and longest-running survey specifically targeted at the creative professions in all their diversity. Whether you’re in ID, IxD, Graphic Design, Architecture, Art Direction, or any of the other myriad specialties that hang out on Coroflot, this is the place to let the world know that it pays–or doesn’t pay–to be a creative professional. And as always, more responses equals more reliable results, so painting a clear picture of the current state of the profession is in your hands.
Responding is simple, and takes all of 2 minutes. Just click over to Coroflot and fill out the form–it looks like this:
Please remember to give your annual salary (not monthly or weekly), and while readers from all countries are eagerly encouraged to participate, salaries should be converted to US Dollars for comparison purposes. See the Survey page for more details.