52 by Suppose Design Office

52 by Suppose Design Office

A zig-zagging metal wall divides this clothes shop by Japanese architects Suppose Design Office, separating outerwear from undergarments.

52 by Suppose Design Office

A recessed skylight on one side of the 52 shop in in Shizuoka, Japan, illuminates a gallery of hanging coats, shirts and trousers.

52 by Suppose Design Office

Small trees are planted in the floor below the skylight.

52 by Suppose Design Office

There are no windows on the other side of the wall, where dangling light bulbs are suspended over undergarments, jerseys and accessories.

52 by Suppose Design Office

A staircase in one corner leads to a first-floor mezzanine overlooking the shop floor.

52 by Suppose Design Office

More projects by Suppose Design Office on Dezeen »

52 by Suppose Design Office

Photography is by Toshiyuki Yano.

The following information has been provided by the architects.

We had been requested to design a clothing shop in Shizuoka-shi Japan. In residential projects, we think about the relationship between the internal and external space but for this project, we started to think about the relationship between the products and the two different spaces.

52 by Suppose Design Office

In the west there are many galleries that do not use spots lights but rather uses natural light to light up the space. The reasoning for the use of natural lighting is that as most painting were painted under natural lighting and only when the painting is viewed under the state it was painted the true beauty of the painting will not show.

52 by Suppose Design Office

Could we not think the same for clothes? By creating a room that is like the outside and creating a room that is like inside, the clothes, shoes and accessories can be place in their rightful space.

A 9mm metal sheet wall was placed in a zigzag manner to separate the two different spaces and created big openings.

52 by Suppose Design Office

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In the space light pours in from the skylight would be for outerwear, shoes and other products that would be used outside. The space that is light up with warm artificial lighting would be for inner wear and stationary. Each product had it place and we placed them to the rightful place.

By creating an internal space and external space in a building using only natural light effect, we were able to find a new relationship between outdoor and indoor space.

52 by Suppose Design Office

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Location: Magarikane, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka, Japan
Principal use: Clothier
Construction Company: Mitsuko Terada
Structural Engineer: Ohno Japan
Main Structure : Steel construction, 2 story
Site Area: 460.35 sqm
Roof area: 112.62sqm
Total floor area: 127.333sqm
Completion: March. 2011
Design period: March – October 2010
Construction period: March 2010-November. 2010
Project team: Suppose design office | Makoto Tanijiri, in charge : Masashi Shiino
Photographer: Toshiyuki Yano

See also:


Double 00 ’09
by Case-Real
Stella K Showroom
by Pascal Grasso
Alberta Ferretti
by Sybarite

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

This house in Hiroshima city by Japanese firm Suppose Design Office has a central staircase branching into wooden volumes that create a series of rooms and platforms.

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

Called House in Fukawa, the project aims to make the property feel larger by obscuring views of its boundaries, giving the impression that the maze of doorways, platforms, enclosed rooms and overhangs might continue on and on.

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

See all our stories about Suppose Design Office »
See more stories about houses »

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

The information that follows is from Suppose Design Office:

House in Fukawa

The house is placed at suburbs in Hiroshima, and designed for 4 members of a family with two kids.

Because there are a lot of traffics around the area, we considered the house, which is closed from outside as much as possible but still keep its space open without any pressure of the separation from the outside.

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

People can feel a place bigger more and more if they could not figure out the size of it, such as the sky and the ocean. In other words, people think a space is big when they would felt the area as if it is continuing forever.

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

There is- a staircase at the center of the house. It is surrounded by walls as an another construction, and it is built up to the ceiling. It stands as a core of the house. From the pillar all rooms are connected as each. The spaces are placed randomly with various levels and angles. The inside with layers of the rooms is like a place under a tree with leaves or like a cave in a mountain.

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

Moreover, the place at the top of each room could also engage people as terraces. Because of the use of the top the boxes, there are various space relations in the house, such as a room and a room, a room and a terrace, and a terrace and a terrace.

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

The house is separated from the outside environment, however the dwelling inside could create space like continuing forever with the center construction standing like a big tree. We believe residents could enjoy to live in the house with a comfort like in a nature environment, which people could feel and imagine the scale of the space.

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

This housing structure is timber construction. And finishing of every floor is as follows;

Ground floor:

floor: trawel mortar + Wax
wall: coniferous tree plywood t=9.0 + enamel paint (cantle, coniferous tree plywood t=9.0 + oil stain paint)
ceiling: coniferous tree plywood t=9.0 + enamel paint (cantle, coniferous tree plywood t=9.0 + oil stain paint)

First floor, Second floor:

floor: trawel mortar + Wax
wall: coniferous tree plywood t=9.0 + enamel paint (cantle, coniferous tree plywood t=9.0 + oil stain paint)
ceiling: coniferous tree plywood t=9.0 + enamel paint (cantle, coniferous tree plywood t=9.0 + oil stain paint)

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

Designed by Makoto Tanijiri.
Design period : April. 2008 – November. 2009
Construction period : November. 2009 – May. 2010

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

Total floor area is 114.27 sqm.
building area is 50.29 sqm.
Plot area is 124.45sqm.

House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

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House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

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House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

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House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

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House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

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House in Fukawa by Suppose Design Office

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See also:


House in Minamimachi 3
by Suppose Design Office
House in Kamiosuga by
Suppose Design Office
House in Koamicho by
Suppose Design Office

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

This house by Suppose Design Office in Hiroshima, Japan, is nestled into the hillside beneath a road and commands views over the city of Fukuyama.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

Rooms requiring privacy, such as bedrooms and bathrooms, are concealed in two towers, while the living and dining room occupy glazed plateaus in between.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

See all our stories about Suppose Design Office »

The information that follows is from Suppose Design Office:

House in Fukuyama

The house in Fukuyama is standing at rising of a brae where it has a panoramic view of Fukuyama city.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

The client wanted their house to open to the great view of the city, and on the same time, to close from surroundings for privacy.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

For the two opposite requests, we designed the house considering a form of the site and its material use.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

Because the site was placed at lower level of a street, all rooms were put at the level to block neighbors eyes, and at the opposite side, it is fully open to the Fukuyama city.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

At the open side, living room and dining room is placed, and they have same finishes as exterior walls.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

For rooms that are for private like a bathroom, they have more clean and smooth finishes.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

Because of the differences of the site uses and material finishes, there are more varieties of atmosphere inside.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

Moreover, through the same finish walls with outside, trees in a mountain and a courtyard are reflected to the inside. The shadows of the trees connect inside and outside more closely and open as if the interior is a part of the hill.

House in Fukuyama by Suppose Design Office

We hope the house is creating space that has well harmonize between privacy and open in reconsidering the condition of the site and the meaning of material of architecture.

See also:


House in Ekoda by
Suppose Design Office
House in Kodaira by
Suppose Design Office
House in Buzen by
Suppose Design Office

House in Kamiosuga by Suppose Design Office

Here is another project by our featured architects Suppose Design Office, this time the renovation of a house in Hiroshima city, Japan, where interiors are divided by walls that only reach halfway down from the ceiling. (more…)

House in Hiro by Suppose Design Office

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House in Buzen by Suppose Design Office

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Lodge by Suppose Design Office

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Karis by Suppose Design Office

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