Banksy in the Theaters…

The poster above is a new release by Banksy for his United States debut of his first feature film EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP. See below for a comprehensive list up to May 14th thanks to Wooster Collective.

Opening On April 16th:

New York: Sunshine Theater
New York: Lincoln Plaza,
Los Angeles: The Landmark
Los Angeles: Arclight, Hollywood
San Francisco: Embarcadero
Berkeley: Shattuck
San Rafael: Rafael
Palo Alto: Aquarius,

Opening On April 23rd:

Philadelphia: Ritz 5
Chicago: Century
Seattle: Harvard Exit,
Boston: Kendall Square

Opening On April 30th:

Minneapolis: Lagoon
Washington DC; E Street
Baltimore: Harbor
Atlanta: Midtown Art
Denver: Mayan
San Diego: Hillcrest

Opening May 7th:

Detroit: Maple Art
Houston: River Oaks
Dallas: Angelika
Milwaukee: Downer
Providennce: Avon

Opening May 14th:

St Louis: Plaza Frontenac, St. Louis

Stay tuned as we’re told there’s more to come.