This Weekend: InDesign 101

indesign.jpgWant to add InDesign to the list of skills on your resume (after “Adobe Illustrator” and “British accent,” and before “shuffleboard”)? What are you doing this weekend? That’s when the mothership is hosting “InDesign for Designers,” a class in New York City for Mac-based designers ready to make the switch to Adobe’s page-layout flagship. Art director and graphic designer Patricia Ryan will guide you through InDesign’s myriad features and capabilities to get you up and running quickly. And by the end of the weekend, you’ll be able to lay down an Inner Glow, an Outer Glow, and a Drop Shadow with the best of them. Click here to learn more and register.

Ryan Jacoby’s audacious concept for a Business Design curriculum

In Business Design: The curriculum of 2012, Ryan Jacoby offers some informed fantasy in developing a complete concept for an educational program, with credits, practica, course codes, titles, and of course, nicknames.

Putative students will select courses from Prototyping, Piloting and Living in Beta (Mo Beta, 4 credits), Design for Emotional Connection (Not Ads, 3 credits), and Organizational Design and Culture (Charts & Farts, 3 credits) among many others. For the practica, in Entrepreneurial & Intrapraneurial Finance students would be required to raise money for (or bootstrap) a $25,000 venture, while in Creating Options, students will act as a Business Unit president in a dynamic simulation and create and decide amongst many options as the context and competition changes all around them..

Ryan’s detailed out the whole program, so check it out. And someone fund it!


Next Weekend: InDesign 101

indesign.jpgWant to add InDesign to the list of skills on your resume (after “Adobe Illustrator” and “British accent,” and before “shuffleboard”)? What are you doing next weekend? That’s when the mothership is hosting “InDesign for Designers,” a class in New York City for Mac-based designers ready to make the switch to Adobe’s page-layout flagship. Art director and graphic designer Patricia Ryan will guide you through InDesign’s myriad features and capabilities to get you up and running quickly. And by the end of the weekend, you’ll be able to lay down an Inner Glow, an Outer Glow, and a Drop Shadow with the best of them. Click here to learn more and register.

Project M at Winterhouse this August


You know Project M from their latest Buy a Meter project and John Bielenberg’s “thinking wrong” mantra (amongst many others – projects and matras!) This summer, they’re bringing the show to Falls Village, CT, home and office of Winterhouse, where twelve (lucky) participants will have the opportunity to work on a unique design project. Here’s the pitch:

We are pleased to announce that Project M is coming to Winterhouse from August 15-30, 2009. Twelve select individuals will get to participate in a unique collaborative enterprise to create a single design project of lasting value in a rural community. This project is sponsored by William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand of Winterhouse, with the active participation of John Bielenberg, the founder of Project M. Design Observer will provide an interesting array of visiting critics and will publish the project. Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation will provide input and serve as an advisor. Application deadline is June 15 with notification of selected participants by June 30. Cost is $1500 plus travel and expenses.

Critics will be Michael Bierut, Julie Lasky, Alice Twemlow, Lorraine Wild, and Core77’s Allan Chochinov. Get more info and application guidelines at the site.


ITP Spring Show 2009: Video Drive-by: CrudBox

Also from the NYU’s Interactive Technology Program spring show, a remarkable take on the venerable drum machine. Steven Litt has gone extra analog with his CrudBox, which drives hacked doorbell solenoids to bang on pieces of scrap material, creating a more organic sound than what usually emerges from a digital sequencer. The sounds produced can then be processed through all manner of effects pedals, which are also contained in the rather mysterious looking hard case body.

Definitely a different experience from the typical electro-beat sound, and you’ve got to love the dramatic red lighting.


Alastair Fuad-Luke puts the “Co” in “Collaboration”


I recall a quote from John Thackara that pointedly articulates one of contemporary design’s biggest opportunities (and challenges). He said, in essence: “Whatever you decide to do, don’t do it alone…. We’re all designers now.” The idea of collaboration is nothing new, but truly productive collaborative design for sustainability’s sake is easier said than done. British designer and thinker Alastair Fuad-Luke believes “co-designing,” designing together, makes good sense not just for design’s sake, but as a generative process with the potential to improve markets, economies, societies, and our environments. Fuad-Luke is the author of multiple books on the subject of sustainable design and design activism, and leads workshops on co-designing to teach a process in which each participant is both teacher and student.


(F)innovation in Helsinki


Famous for its public education system and a culture of risk aversion, the small Nordic state of Finland is recasting three major universities in Helsinki as a global hot spot for innovation.

This year, the Finnish government will merge three top universities in three diverse fields: Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki School of Economics, and the University of Arts and Design in Helsinki. At first called Innovation University–sparking some debate about its relationship to the industrial sector–the new institution has been named Aalto University, after the legendary Finnish architect and designer, Alvar Aalto.

>> Read article (Seed Magazine)

(Associated Aalto “factories”: Design Factory, Media Factory and Service Factory)


InDesign for Fun and Profit

indesign.jpgWant to add InDesign to the list of skills on your resume (after “Adobe Illustrator” and “British accent,” and before “shuffleboard”)? What are you doing on the weekend of May 30? That’s when the mothership is hosting “InDesign for Designers,” a class in New York City for Mac-based designers ready to make the switch to Adobe’s page-layout flagship. Art director and graphic designer Patricia Ryan will guide you through InDesign’s myriad features and capabilities to get you up and running quickly. And by the end of the weekend, you’ll be able to lay down an Inner Glow, an Outer Glow, and a Drop Shadow with the best of them. Click here to learn more and register.

Learn InDesign in 2009

indesign.jpgWant to add InDesign to the list of skills on your resume (after “Adobe Illustrator” and “British accent,” and before “shuffleboard”)? What are you doing on the weekend of May 30? That’s when the mothership is hosting “InDesign for Designers,” a class in New York City for Mac-based designers ready to make the switch to Adobe’s page-layout flagship. Art director and graphic designer Patricia Ryan will guide you through InDesign’s myriad features and capabilities to get you up and running quickly. And by the end of the weekend, you’ll be able to lay down an Inner Glow, an Outer Glow, and a Drop Shadow with the best of them. Click here to learn more and register.

Nike CEO Mark Parker to Deliver Otis College Commencement Address

Mark Parker.jpgIn our continuing design school commencement speaker/honorary degree recipient round-up, we bring news that graduates of the Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles will hear from Nike president and CEO Mark Parker (pictured), who will deliver the commencement address at the Saturday ceremony and receive an honorary doctorate from the school. Parker, who joined Nike as a designer in 1979, has been involved in many of the company’s most significant breakthroughs (Nike Air, anyone?) and held leadership roles within seemingly every business function, from product development to marketing. “I speak on behalf of the entire Otis College community when I say that Mark Parker—an artist, designer, and collector in his own right—truly honors us with his presence at commencement this year,” said the College’s president, Samuel Hoi, in a statement issued by the school. “He shares our conviction that art and design matters, socially, culturally, and economically.” True enough, but we still think it would be hilarious if Parker remained ruthlessly on-brand with a three-word speech to the graduates: Just do it.

Previously on UnBeige:

  • Jonathan Ive, Betty Woodman Among RISD Honorary Degree Recipients
  • Richard Serra to Receive Honorary Degree from Pratt Institute