Kellie Smits


I am a huge fan of my Kellie Smits, founder and owner of funky online shop Buisjes En Beugels +++.

She is not only a webshop owner, she is also super talented and a very creative person, a lady with style!

First she started her own fashion line for kids and about a year ago she launched her first furniture piece. The insekt desk in green is simply beautiful. I am proud she is a sponsor of Bloesem.

Below a glimpse of The Growing Table and pillow by Ana Ventura and 'I feel green'. 



A new fleet wish-boats


My dear friend Jurianne Matter re-invented her first and very succesfull product, the paper wish-boats by giving them a gorgeous new pattern and color palette. 

The little paper boats are designed to sail out to celebrate weddings, newborn babies, birthdays, anniversaries or sometimes even as treasure ships (with money or candies). With a bit of inventiveness you can also make a unique paper chain or a mobile for a child’s room! 

Before you start folding, you can write a personal wish or message along the railing. The folding takes only a few minutes per boat.   [MORE IMAGES]







(photo credit: Jurianne Matter )


..Fleet wish-boats at BijzonderMOOI*



Face-to-face a new designer’s profile with Marly Gommans



I love it when someone gives a lot of character to a home. And Marly Gommans certainly did that to her home in the Netherlands. The hand painted mural, the little things on the wall and the sublime pantone painted staircase make this week's house visit very interesting …

Marly Gommans is a fashion and furniture designer, with a special interest in Cats! Yes cats, but she doesn't like their plastic litterboxes and ugly scratching poles … so she designed some good-looking ones that are welcome in her home. And while she was at it she decided to design a great cat cushion too. Marly interned at the famous Kiki van Eijk studio and now makes her own name into the world of design with her funky products.

Please join us for an interview with Marly and have a look how she lives… right here…'s collection is available at BijzonderMooi ~ in Dutch ~ in English


WAT I E T S blocks


While writing a bit on BKids about WAT I E T S i thought thought why not share it on Bloesem too … I really like what these two Dutch freelance designers, Chris van Middendorp and Sarah Pieterse, are creating and hope you do too. 

Thank you all for the lovely comments and Birthday woshes. Actually I had a wonderful time and will be celebrating a bit more during the weekend. WIsh you a lovely one too! Hope to see you back next week! ~irene xoxo


Face-to-face a new designer’s profile with Ontwerplabel Vij5

And a little extra today … this short video made for us by Jonna van Hesteren

Morning, how are you all doing? I am feeling much better and am glad to be back to work this morning…. sometimes I find it hard to really call it 'work' because it often feels more like a 'hobby'. Yes lucky me to be able to do all day what I really enjoy doing… Like preparing a new post for the Designer Visit column in which my two friends, Marjon and Sandra, from the Netherlands visit well-known Dutch designers in their homes.

Jonna van Hesteren often assists Marjon in her photography job and this time she created a fun short video for Bloesem … giving a bit of extra and real life experience to today's interview


Today I am sharing the visit to ontwerplabel Vij5's home. It's not the first time I am talking about the work of Arjan and Anieke here on Bloesem. Ontwerplabel Vij5 often collaborates with other Dutch designers, who we have met at previous interviews. My favorite is perhaps the collaboration with Ontwerpuo which resulted in the gorgous Lloop lamp … would you like to see how Arjan and Anieke live and what their ideas and drives in life are … then head over to the face-to-face page right here


..all images by Marjon
..short video by Jonna van Hesteren

Face-to-face a new designer’s profile with Jurianne Matter


Today we are introducing our last designer's profile for this year, Jurianne Matter who's also a personal friend of Irene. A creater of beautiful paper designs, she has a lovely home and it's all ready for Christmas! You will see decorations made by Jurianne herself so let's all read her story here.

We thank Marjon and Sandra for their lovely contributions of designer profiles this year. We are absolutely grateful having friends all over the world that keeps us connected. Makes the world into a smaller place don't you think? We are looking forward to 2013 for more interviews and pictures for this column.


..all images by Marjon
..Jurianne Matter at BijzonderMooi


NEW: Unstationary by ontwerpduo

{image by Jurianne Matter}

Papers, soft colors and simple designs, what’s not to love everything about Unstationary by Ontwerpduo. Starting our own stationary line has always been in the works here at Bloesem, and seeing great products like these makes us want to work on our line even more.

The first thing that comes to mind when I see grid paper is math class in high school. Countless doodles and drawings on them when I should be writing down numbers and equations. What about you? A familiar feeling and I love the simplicity of the grid design for note pads and little cards for little messages.

Check out their collection of work on their website. Take a look at the ‘Light Forest‘ which to me is almost dream-like.   [CONTINUE READING]





Would you like to see how the designers from Ontwerpduo live .. yes I mean seeing their HOME then click here for Bloesem’s face-to-face interview we had with them. 

..Unstationary by ontwerpduo

ps. below … Jurianne’s special edition paper angel for DUtch magazine Buitenleven… when you buy the december issue you get this cute ange for free!



Pepe Heykoop


Pepe Heykoop
another Dutch designer that caught our attention here at Bloesem. Great
story behind great products I would say. If you like to add a touch of
dutch modern to your home, Pepe designs mostly lamps and vases.
Not "perfect" and rough around the edges is what makes his products beautiful and one of a kind.


While I was reading his website and a little about him, I also read that Pepe started a workshop in India together with the Tiny Miracles Foundation.
Teaching illiterate individuals a skill and providing income for them
is a priceless act. Good job Pepe! Also if you are interested in an
internship you can read all about it here. Im sure it's a great environment to be a part of.   [CONTINUE READING]


Bits of wood

Personally this is my favorite piece for a side table. Different type of
wood in it's natural form and I'm so drawn by it's colors too. [MORE IMAGES]



Paper Vase cover: Do these vase look familiar to you? Yes, we've featured them before in a previous post on Dutch Design Year. We still love them for the perfect centerpiece.~Sufiya

Monday’s quick start: ‘Walk-in Closet’ by Hosun Ching


Hosun Ching is all about practical living while designing his graduation project from the Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands and achieved it with the 'Walk-in Closet'. With great responses during Dutch Design Week, I can definitely see why. I already like the simple wooden finish and teal trimming (I wonder if I can get one in a yellow or navy blue). I love what you get inside even more :). Perfect practical living with a full length mirror, compartment for shoes, and a display case for jewelry. Do you need more? I don't think so. ~Sufiya 



.. Walk in Closet
..Hosun Ching



Face-to-face a new designer’s profile with Jannita van den Haak


Totally inspired by Jantine her image collage for knot knot I decided to start making more graphic image collages for Bloesem too … starting today with a new Dutch designer profile or shall I say a nice face-to-face with a very talented lady, Jannita van den Haak, who designs luxe backpacks, eco-leather trolleys and expressive jewellery for her own label Jannissima

Marjon and Sandra  … Bloesem's dream team … went of to visit Jannita's home in Eindhoven and spoke with her about her own designs, the things that inspires her and why she likes to live in this beautiful home … curious already … click here and land on Bloesem's designer profiles page and enjoy the story!


..all images by Vorstin 
..Jannissima at Bijzondermooi