Best of CH 2013: Most Popular: Build-your-own bikes, 3D-printed sex toys, cauliflower rice, architectural Lego and more stories that racked up the page views this year

Best of CH 2013: Most Popular

Looking back on 2013, from boundary-pushing ideas from both established and up-and-coming artists and designers to new series like Off Piste and Scene, By All, it’s been a big year. What’s remained consistent, however, is our loyal audience that spans all over the world—and they do know…

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Sophia Chang installs stretchy fabric tunnels through a gallery

People could immerse themselves in a huge fabric cocoon at this interactive installation by architect and artist Sophia Chang (+ slideshow).

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

Sophia Chang stretched huge sheets of Lycra around frames to create the network of tunnels and enclosed spaces through the interior of the Invivia Gallery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

The structure extended between different entrances and wrapped around the base of the gallery’s spiral staircase. There were also a handful of openings, which framed windows to the spaces outside.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

“The softened geometries of this expansive fabric insertion frame both people and their context, while confounding the experience of interior and exterior, wall and room, hiding and revealing places to be found and explored,” said Chang.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

The inside of the space was separated into two disconnected halves. Visitors could occupy either sides, meaning they could see the silhouettes of other people behind the dividing layer of fabric.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

According to the designer, the experience was intended to represent the feeling of being inside walls, in the space known as poché.

Suspense Immersive Fabric Installation by Sophia Chang_dezeen_13

“Here poché receives a more ambiguous reinterpretation,” said Chang. “What could be understood as a wall or reminiscent space from one vantage point, becomes an inhabitable room from another.”

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

Photography is by Anita Kan.

Here’s a project description from Sophia Chang:


Suspense is a recent architectural installation by Sophia Chang at the INVIVIA Gallery in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Allen Sayegh (co-founder of INVIVIA) and Ingeborg Rocker (co-founder of Rocker-Lange Architects) curated and sponsored the interactive installation, an unexpected fabric space that manipulates the architectural frame to blur the boundaries between inside and outside and piques the viewers’ awareness of their bodies in space.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

The softened geometries of this expansive fabric insertion frame both people and their context, while confounding the experience of interior and exterior, wall and room; hiding and revealing places to be found and explored. Upon entering the piece, both occupant and environment are estranged, creating greater awareness of one’s self, one’s relation to others, and relationships to one’s surroundings.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

The installation’s curved rooms are made from Lycra fabric that is suspended between rectangular frames, which capture moments of the original context and pull them into the suspended space. Visitors occupy both sides of the frames, creating playful interaction between those enclosed within the fabric and those outside.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

Looking around, the smooth fabric surface breaks open to a view of an old stone wall, a glimpse of brick, a stair, or out to the street. The re-captured everyday appears distant and other.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

The installation is conceived as multiple layers of poché. The term commonly refers to the space within walls, here poché receives a more ambiguous reinterpretation: what could be understood as a wall or reminiscent space from one vantage point, becomes an inhabitable room from another. The complexity of the curved forms precludes immediate understanding of the total piece and allows for the visitor’s perception of the space to shift as they continue to discover new places to sit, contemplate, walk, and watch within the gallery.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang

Neighbouring wall spaces are activated as people encounter each other through the fabric. The installation is an ‘open work’ (Umberto Eco) as it is not limited to a single reading or a predetermined range of readings but rather encourages multiple readings. With changes of light, occupation, and the flexing of the geometries, new realisations continuously become possible.

Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang
Floor plan – click for larger image
Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang
Cross section – click for larger image
Suspense immersive fabric installation by Sophia Chang
Long section – click for larger image

The post Sophia Chang installs stretchy fabric
tunnels through a gallery
appeared first on Dezeen.

Cool Hunting Video: NYC Taxi of Tomorrow: A cruise around town in NYC’s brand new taxicab

Cool Hunting Video: NYC Taxi of Tomorrow

Fulfilling a lifelong dream, we recently hit the streets in a brand new NYC Taxi from Nissan. While getting angry looks from disgruntled potential passengers as we flew…

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Best-of Fubiz 2013 : Most Popular Articles

Toute l’année, notre équipe cherche à vous apporter une dose quotidienne d’inspiration. Comme sur la période 2012 et afin de résumer les 12 derniers mois écoulés, nous avons décidé de vous présenter un Top 30 des articles les plus consultés en 2013. Découvrez le classement de la trentième à la première place.

30 – Superhero Noir Posters

Une série de posters signée Marko Manev rendant honneur aux superhéros de comics.

29 – Barber Campaign

Plusieurs affiches pour le salon Barber Shaves & Trims pensés avec talent par l’agence 180 Amsterdam.

28 – C2C – Delta

Une superbe vidéo d’animation réalisée par le collectif CRCR pour le groupe C2C.

27 – The Art of Negative Space

Une vision de l’espace sans délimitation claire très réussie par l’artiste Tang Yau Hoong.

26 – Red Bull Illume Photo Contest 2013

Une sélection des nominés de la 3ème édition des Red Bull Illume Photo, concours centré sur les sports extrêmes.

25 – Hyper Realistics Painting by Robin Eley

Des peintures incroyables inspirées de photographies signées Robin Eley.

24 – Hong Kong Apartments from Above

Une campagne de l’agence Publicis HK pour Society for Community, voulant dénoncer les conditions de logement déplorables à Hong-Kong.

23 – Creativity With Food

Une sélection des oeuvres de food-art réalisées par l’artiste Hong-Yi et publiées sur son compte Instagram.

22 – Tasting Lemon for the First Time

Pucker, un projet collaboratif autour d’une série de photos d’enfants en bas-âge goûtant le citron pour la première fois.

21 – Google Tel-Aviv Office

Google présente ses bureaux à Tel Aviv occupant 8 étages au sein de la Electra Tower.

20 – Daft Punk – Get Lucky

Le premier extrait de l’album R.A.M de Daft Punk, sorti en mai dernier, avec Pharrell Williams et Nile Rodgers.

19 – Pencil Drawings by Franco Clun

Des dessins au crayon époustouflants réalisés par Franco Clun.

18 – Insane Make-Up Turn Models into 2D Paintings

Une superbe série, fruit de la collaboration entre Alexander Khokhlov et Valeriya Kutsan.

17 – Kenya Photography

Les souvenirs de Diego Arroyo lors d’un voyage au Kenya réunis dans une série photographique.

16 – Volvo Trucks the Epic Split

La dernière campagne pour la marque Volvo Trucks réalisée par Andreas Nilsson avec l’acteur Jean-Claude Van Damme.

15 – Extreme Photography

Le casse-cou Mustang Wanted nous propose de découvrir ses photos de vacances vertigineuses.

14 – A Ballet performed by Birds

Alain Delorme utilisent des sacs plastiques pour représenter avec talent les mouvements aériens des oiseaux.

13 – AFP Pictures of the Year 2013

Voici les images les plus marquantes de l’année passée selon l’AFP.

12 – Bodyscapes Art Photography

Considérer le corps comme un paysage, c’est l’idée géniale de l’artiste anglais Carl Warner.

11 – You are never Alone with a Good Book

« On est jamais seul avec un bon livre », une superbe campagne de Grey Tel Aviv pour les librairies Steimatzky.

10 – Dogs dressed as their Owners

Underdogs, une série de Sebastian Magnani permettant de découvrir des chiens pas si différents de leurs maîtres.

9 – Matching Movies with Exact Locations

Placer des images de films au sein des lieux où cela a été filmé, c’est une superbe initiative de Christopher Moloney.

8 – National Geographic 2013 Traveler Contest

Une série d’images sélectionnées parmi les candidats déjà en compétition pour la 25ème édition du National Geographic 2013 Traveler Photo Contest.

7 – Friendship between a Girl and her Cat

Le photographe Andy Prokh immortalise la complicité entre sa fille Katherine et son chat.

6 – Pregnant Couple Portraits

Avec cette jolie série Waiting, Jana Romanova met en images différents couples attendant un enfant.

5 – Fashion Zoo Animals

Yago Partal a rendu les animaux encore plus chic avec des photos-montages sympathiques.

4 – 40 Weeks and a Mirror Photography

« 40 Weeks and a Mirror » ou l’évolution du corps semaine par semaine durant les 9 mois de la grossesse, par la photographe Sophie Starzenski.

3 – Abandoned Amusement Parks

Une série de photographies capturant avec nostalgie des parcs d’attractions à l’abandon.

2 – Anamorphic 3D Illusion Drawings

Alessandro Diddi trompe tout le monde avec ses anamorphoses, des croquis donnant une réelle impression de profondeur.

1 – Reuters Photos of the Year 2013

L’agence Reuters récupère et diffuse des milliers de photos chaque année. En voici une superbe sélection d’images résumant l’année 2013.

30 super1-640x468
29 Barber-Campaign5-640x446
28 C2C-Deltaa9-640x360
27 The-Art-of-Negative-Space3-640x634
26 Redbullcontests_i01_60000266-640x424
25 Hyper-Realistics-Paintings-by-Robin-Eley-15
24 Hong-Kong-Apartments-from-Above5
23 Creativity-with-Food12-640x478
22 Tasting lemon for the firsttime
21 Google-Office-Tel-Aviv42-640x426
20 daft5-640x389
19 Pencil-Drawins-by-Franco-Clun8-640x456
18 makeup1-640x449
17 Kenya-Photography-33-640x426
16 Volvo-Trucks-The-Epic-Split6-640x352
15 Extreme-Photography21
14 A-Ballet-Performed-by-Birds7
13 AFP Pictures2611-640x417
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11 na1-640x444
10 Dogs-Dressing-Up-Like-Their-Owners8
9 film012-640x480
8 Best-of-Nation-Geographic-2013-Traveler-Contest13-640x426
4 40 Weeks and a Mirror Photography
7 Friendship-Between-a-Girl-and-Her-Cat20-640x468
6 Pregnant-Couple-Portraits10-640x425
5 Fashion-Zoo-Animals26
3 Reuters Photos of the Year 2013
2 Reuters Photos of the Year 2013
1 Reuters Photos of the Year 2013

CH Gift Guide: The Printed Page: “Madonna NYC 83,” Questlove’s “Mo’ Meta Blues,” Tom Dixon’s “Dixonary” and more books and magazines that make the perfect present

CH Gift Guide: The Printed Page

Whether you’re looking for the ultimate book for the budding Thomas Jefferson in your life or you simply need to pick up a thoughtful last-minute gift, the printed page is always a solid option. Show how much you care by giving the gift of intellectual entertainment on a subject dear…

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Past and Future Calendar

Alors que nous avions déjà pu parler récemment de leur DIY Calendar, Bitri nous propose une nouvelle création appelée « Past & Future Calendar ». Une boîte au design simple et très réussie, jouant sur deux tiroirs, celui du passé et celui du futur. A découvrir en images dans la suite de l’article.

Back to the future - Special Calendar3
Back to the future - Special Calendar2
Back to the future - Special Calendar
Back to the future - Special Calendar4

Light Painting by Nicolas Rivals

Inspiré par le test de psychologie mondialement connu, « Light Rorschach » est un travail de light-painting signé Nicolas Rivals qui laisse place au hasard, et proposant à chacun de se faire sa propre image de ce qu’il voit. Des images réalisées avec du métal en fusion et son reflet sur de l’eau à découvrir dans la suite.

Light Painting by Nicolas Rivals5
Light Painting by Nicolas Rivals4
Light Painting by Nicolas Rivals3
Light Painting by Nicolas Rivals6
Light Painting by Nicolas Rivals2

1 Million Stars to End Violence

Inspirée par une citation de Martin Luther King et voulant réagir au viol et à l’assassinat d’une jeune femme à Melbourne, l’artiste Maryann Talia Pau propose cette installation 1 Millon Stars to End Violence. Aidée par toute une communauté, elle a conçu cette superbe création, qui est découvrir en images dans la suite.

1 Millon Stars to End Violence6
1 Millon Stars to End Violence4
1 Millon Stars to End Violence3
1 Millon Stars to End Violence2
1 Millon Stars to End Violence

Z-shaped clothes hanger easily fits through the neck hole

This clothes hanger by Irish studio Gazel can slide out of the top of a shirt without stretching the neck thanks to its offset handle (+ slideshow).

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel_1sq

Gazel designed the Z-shaped Gazelle hanger to make the process of removing clothes from storage quicker and more convenient.

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel_2

Instead of rising from the centre of the hanger like in traditional models, the handle is shifted to one side as continuation of one of the arms, then folded back on itself to form the hook.

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel_3

When the garment needs to be taken off, the handle is slid to the other side of the shirt until one corner becomes free from the garment’s shoulder and pokes out of the neck.

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel_4

The rest of the hanger can then be lifted out through the head hole without stretching the material.

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel_5

“With this design we’ve tried to bring a flicker of joy to an interaction often seen as mundane or awkward,” Gazel founders Ronan Murphy and Kevin Doherty. “We think that this flicker of joy is actually quite important: it can be the spark for a happier and more fulfilling day in general.”

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel_dezeen_1

Hung on a rail, the hanger balances level when loaded with a garment and gently tilts when not is use. The design retains the horizontal bar for storing trousers.

The product will be exhibited at the Home homeware and accessories buying event, taking place at the Earls Court 2 in London from 12 to 14 January 2014.

Read on for more text from the designers:

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel

The Gazelle Clothes Hanger derives its inspiration from the grace, speed and elegance of the gazelle on the African plains. Designers Ronan and Kevin wanted to turn the cumbersome act of hanging clothes into a one of one simple and enjoyable interaction.

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel_6

“With this design, we’ve tried to bring a flicker of joy to an interaction often seen as mundane or awkward. We think that this flicker of joy is actually quite important: it can be the spark for a happier and more fulfilling day in general.”

Gazelle Clothes Hanger by Gazel_9

Focusing on the user, they have developed a stunning design with a beautifully integrated handle. This not only makes hanging clothes a simple pleasure, but cares for garments by avoiding stretching at the neck. The hanger balances perfectly on the rail when clothes are on it, and tilts gently to tell you when it’s free.

The result is a beautiful and striking silhouette that glides effortlessly in and out of tops, dresses and buttoned shirts. “Gazelle is our interpretation of style and function in perfect harmony.”

The post Z-shaped clothes hanger easily
fits through the neck hole
appeared first on Dezeen.

Sex Toys with Style: A round up of our latest well-designed favorites for all genders

Sex Toys with Style

After research (and even testing) we’ve selected these beautiful, useful and entirely playful toys—designed with style—to add new dimension to your sex life. Some of these items are for women, some are for men and some are for both, or even sharing. We’re not concerned with who uses what, just…

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