I.D. Magazine, 1954–2009

Ralph Caplan, former editor-in-chief of I.D. magazine sheds light and reflects on the 55 years of the magazine in an article for the AIGA. The January issue will be the last printed version of the magazine and will be missed. To read the entire piece go here.

From AIGA article:
…I.D. got off to a better start in life than any child has a right to expect. My impression—and it is only that—is that the magazine went through a difficult middle period, when both it and the professions it served were unstable, unsure and unsurely perceived. There were the usual weight problems, acne, confusion about identity, uneven growth and flashes of brilliance. During that period I sometimes felt pangs of disappointment, even going so far as to ask, “Where did we go wrong?” My impression—only that—is that today the magazine has an enviable inner strength, self-confidence and direction. I don’t know that I have any right to take pride in that, but I do.

Celebrating Columbus Day

Thanks James Victore.

Visual Read: 100 Classic Graphic Design Books

100 Classic Graphic Design Books is compilation of some of the best design books of the 20th century. This is a must have for anyone interested in the history of graphic design.

Celebrating the “Swiss Style”

Swiss Legacy just released a limited edition poster to celebrate the graphic designers that created what we know as “The International Typographic Style” along with the designers that followed in their footsteps.

Here’s a list of the heavyweights: Ernst Keller, Theo Ballmer, Jan Tschichold, Herbert Matter, Max Bill, Emil Ruder, Josef Müller-Brockmann, Paul Rand, Max Huber, Otto Aicher, Armin Hofmann, Adrian Frutiger, Wim Crouwel and Karl Gerstner.

To purchase you know the drill.