I love this bicycle! It’s made completely from cardboard. It can handle a hefty 308 pounds. It’s waterproof and it’s cheap. The bike costs only $60 for the standard model, or $90 if you opt for the extra attachments like a removable motor. With a production costs of only $9-12, this eco-friendly bike could be the next solution to transportation woes for both developing nations and hipsters alike.
Now that it's spring, there have been lots of around-the-house projects begging for attention. I've also been looking at a lot of fresh inspiration. Here's a collection of things I've been working on and cool things I thought you might enjoy seeing.
I saw these awesome wine bottle illustrations by Lydia Nichols over at The Dieline. Speaking of The Dieline, the Package Design Conference in Boston is around the corner. I plan to be there with Yael (she's speaking on Sunday).
I decided I needed a second pair of glasses. I do a lot of work outdoors and in the workshop, so I need a second pair so I don't screw up the one I have. I was looking at a bunch of styles over at Warby Parker.
They must be pretty popular because I'm still waiting for a bunch of styles to become available for Home Try-On. Which style do you think I should get?
Our studio, Miller Creative, just completed the redesign for Cybele Pascal's blog. I think it looks pretty awesome.
I finally got brave and started my trial of Basecamp, which is a project management tool. Unlike Yael, I am very slow to embrace something new. Basecamp seriously rocks. It's perfect for managing our projects. All I need now is something useful to manage clients and potential clients.
We recently had the opportunity to recommend Keef for video production for one of our clients. They're the creative genius behind the video for Breukelen Distilling. As a suprise gesture of thanks they sent us a bottle of Breuklelen's Glorious Gin (seen above). The video kinda makes you want to get up and create something. [Branding and packaging by I Love Dust]
Volkswagen used crowdsourcing to supply ideas for a futuristic concept car. They then turned the top ideas into these amazing concept videos. You can see the video here.
This is site is run by Sascha Endlicher, M.A., during ungodly late night hours. Wanna know more about him? Connect via Social Media by jumping to about.me/sascha.endlicher.