‘Wild Things’ Inspire

After watching the movie Where the Wild Things Are I was inspired to buy the soundtrack and after a thousand plus listens all I want to do in life is write a song as gloriously simple and affecting as ‘Worried Shoes’ (track 4 for fellow listeners). I wonder how many others felt the same?

I thought this was the genius of Karen O. (of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs) but it turns out that Karen O & the Kids are covering Daniel Johnston. I had long heard of the myth, and the madness, of Daniel Johnston but deliberately shied away on account of the darkness. This is the first time I’ve encountered the raw beauty of his lyrics. Sold.

So now, thanks to ‘WTWTA’ I am also inspired to watch ‘The Devil and Daniel Johnston’ (2006) an acclaimed documentary celebrating Johnston’s complex life and art. Click here to watch the film’s trailer.



Visual artists have also taken inspiration from Where the Wild Things Are. I spoke to the talented artist, and UPPERCASE magazine contributor, Stefanie Augustine about the film and her personal creation “Wild Things” (pictured above).

“I loved the movie. It felt like a rare gift in the midst of so many bad movies out there –  really beautiful and refreshing. I had the urge to paint after seeing the movie, but even more so I had the urge to build things out of sticks!! (which I didn’t actually do), but it makes you feel like, why don’t we build things for fun more often?” Good question.

The artwork that Stefanie did make after seeing ‘WTWTA’ was directly inspired by the film’s colors and her curiousity to see how the characters would work in a collage style. Scratchy whimsy are the words I find to describe her unique vision and style. Love it!

To see more of Stefanie Augustine’s original creations and her client work, visit her website here. Thanks for sharing Stefanie!

Good Mail Day

Carolee Gilligan Wheeler (UPPERCASE subscriber!) and Jennie Hinchcliff are authors of Good Mail Day, a book all about the joy of making mailable art. The book’s photographs are absolutely gorgeous: beautifully styled, full of amazing props and paper goodies, and the details are so sharp! Carolee has uploaded some behind-the-scenes images of the photo styling, which is interesting to see. (A copy of the book is available in our physical store.)

We always like to get interesting mail at UPPERCASE magazine! To find out more, click here. Below are some of the things that Carolee mailed to us which is how we found out about her new book.


…that UPPERCASE readers are the GREATEST, most CREATIVE people in the world.

Made my day! Thanks, Donovan!

Happy Halloween!

I wonder how many Wild Things will be out there trick-or-treating tonight?

Brett McDermott, a friend of mine, will be masquerading in the mountains in his homemade Max-inspired wolf suit. I bumped into him a few days ago and was inspired to hear that, on a whim, he had picked up a fleece blanket and some gold buttons from Value Village and decided to sew himself a suit, never having sewn a stitch before!

The results (via cell phone) are pretty fine:


Hope you have a festive Halloween eve in Banff Brett. May you win best costume over all the other men in uniforms. Thanks for sharing!

New stockist: Collage Collage

Thank you to Erin of the newly opened Collage Collage in Vancouver for stocking our little magazine for the creative and curious.

“Collage Collage is a place that strives to uphold the tremendous creative abilities that children have, in surrondings that adults find equally stimulating, provoking and above all, inspiring. Collage Collage is a store, a school, a gallery and a workshop for children and adults. It’s a place to find some art supplies, a story book, a small sculpture or a new pair of scissors.” Sounds marvelous!

Their workshops sound fantastic: I want to sign up for this one:

Inspired by Marcel Dzama, Mixing Colors
Drawing and Painting for 5-6 years

Students will experiment with a palette based on Dzama’s work. After reading a story book based on his work, and looking at some of the works of his collective, The Royal Art Lodge, children will be shown how Dzama mixes imagery from life and the imagination. Children will experiment with trying out their own dream-like creatures and then painting in their drawings. Ideas will start in a sketchbook warm up, and then move to large paper. Like Dzama, students will start with pencil drawings then layer ink and paint washes.

If you’re in Vancouver, go visit Collage Collage this weekend!

Made for one another

Shauna and Stephen (Something’s Hiding in Here) are certainly a dynamic duo. Creativity abounds with these two and it is so much fun to see how they collaborate together to see their projects through completion, with each of their talents complimenting the other’s. When Shauna contacted me about placing an ad in the current issue of UPPERCASE magazine, of course I was more than happy to have something by these fine folks on our pages. When she told me her plans for the advertisement, I was thrilled! Such a sweet idea. To read about their ongoing project “I made this for you,” visit their post on Poppytalk.

Type Tuesday: Dirty Genius

“A poster the recipient completes by revealing spot-varnished type with hands made dirty by handling the poster.” A genius concept by Roland Reiner Tiangco.

Alfred Hitchcock Dioramas at Bird Dog Video

Attention local Calgarians: Don’t miss the 3rd Annual Bird Dog Video  Art Show/Silent Auction! Each year a selection of artists, musicians and all round creative people graciously donate their time and efforts to help raise money for a local charity.
This year artists pay homage to the master of cinematic suspense, Alfred Hitchcock.  Drawing from Hitchcock’s extensive film ouevre, each artist started with an empty shadow box and could produce a Hitchcock diorama to their liking – recreating a specific scene, creating a new scene or simply using Hitchcock as the theme for their idea. 

The event will be held Thursday September 17, 2009 (7-10 pm), all proceeds go to the Elephant Artist Relief.

Bird Dog Video is located at 1333 16 AVE SW Calgary, AB. For more information, please contact Jolie Bird at: 399-2615 email: jolie.bird@gmail.com

A world of paper

SCRIBE MUNDO DE PAPEL from ladies on Vimeo.

A Mexican TV advertisement.

Cute dogs for your Friday

I had fun photographing Lisa Brawn‘s studio for the fall issue yesterday. Here’s one of my favourite shots of her shop assistants.