Axe Excite : Fallen Angels

Voici la dernière campagne d’Axe (Lynx) imaginée par BBH London autour du thème des anges tombant du ciel. Une réalisation de Rupert Sanders, produit par MJZ avec des effets spéciaux et une post-production du studio The Mill. La musique est signé par The Fallen Angels “Sexy Boy”.



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BBH + Crowdspring = ?

Hmmm…. Something to muddle over. Johnson Banks has a whole commentary that explains BBH’s process behind finding their new logo for BBH Labs.

Excerpt from Johnson Banks Blog:
In their brief they do say ‘in exploring new approaches to creative collaboration, we post this brief well aware of the debate around the Crowdspring business model within the design community. Our interest lies in finding fresh, new creative talent efficiently. It is not in our interest to undercut existing market value design fees. Therefore we appeal to the Crowdspring community in the same way our prospective clients would approach ad agencies in an open pitch. We ask that designers submit only rough comps to this brief’.

We’d imagine that they’re pretty pleased then with the 1086 (Update: 1749) entries so far, mainly riffing around their agency symbol, the black sheep. Give that there are still three days to go to the deadline, perhaps they’ll get 1,500 entries, which would be a simple equation of a dollar per idea. Wouldn’t that be nice and neat?

Maybe their next move will be to ask for some ideas for their new client, eBAY Europe, just won, an account worth a rather hefty £22 million pounds? Perhaps not.

It’s difficult to write an end-line for this. Suffice it to say it’s a ‘white sheep’ approach to commissioning design that we would never have expected from an agency of BBH’s stature.