Banksy in the Theaters…

The poster above is a new release by Banksy for his United States debut of his first feature film EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP. See below for a comprehensive list up to May 14th thanks to Wooster Collective.

Opening On April 16th:

New York: Sunshine Theater
New York: Lincoln Plaza,
Los Angeles: The Landmark
Los Angeles: Arclight, Hollywood
San Francisco: Embarcadero
Berkeley: Shattuck
San Rafael: Rafael
Palo Alto: Aquarius,

Opening On April 23rd:

Philadelphia: Ritz 5
Chicago: Century
Seattle: Harvard Exit,
Boston: Kendall Square

Opening On April 30th:

Minneapolis: Lagoon
Washington DC; E Street
Baltimore: Harbor
Atlanta: Midtown Art
Denver: Mayan
San Diego: Hillcrest

Opening May 7th:

Detroit: Maple Art
Houston: River Oaks
Dallas: Angelika
Milwaukee: Downer
Providennce: Avon

Opening May 14th:

St Louis: Plaza Frontenac, St. Louis

Stay tuned as we’re told there’s more to come.

Banksy at Sundance

Rumor is that Bansky will premier his first movie at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah that will be going down soon. For more on the film go here.