100% Inspiration: Nina Tolstrup, Amos Marchant, Andrew Waugh and Jamie Anley


This final installment of movies for 100% Design and JAM features designers Nina Tolstrup of Studio Mama (above), Jamie Anley of JAM, Andrew Waugh of Waugh Thistleton and Amos Marchant describing the objects they’re chosen to represent 100% Design. (more…)

100% Inspiration: Phil Nutley, William Smith, Dominic McCausland and Andy Martin


In this third installment of movies for 100% Design and JAM, Phil Nutley (above), William Smith, Dominic McCausland and Andy Martin present objects they feel best represent 100% Design. (more…)

100% Inspiration: Russell Pinch, Nicolas Roope, Richard Shed and Kara O’Reilly


In this second installment of Dezeen movies for 100% Design and JAM, designers Russell Pinch (above), Nicolas Roope and Richard Shed, and Kara O’Reilly of The Sunday Times present objects that they feel represent 100% Design. (more…)

100% Inspiration: Jamie Anley


In the first of a series of Dezeen movies for 100% Design, creative director Jamie Anley of JAM introduces a new feature called 100% Inspiration. (more…)