Syracuse I+ID pop-up thesis show in Manhattan April 29th

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pThese days you can’t walk through downtown Manhattan without running into a pop-up store, and now comes a new variant: The pop-up thesis show. For one night only, Syracuse University’s fifth-year Industrial + Interaction Design majors will present their theses at the Lubin House in New York City:/p

blockquoteThe event will feature 21 student designers presenting work ranging from traditional product design to the design of social and intrapersonal interactions. Concepts and experiences that empower collaboration, education and emotional connections reflect the user-centered style of Syracuse I+ID. The diversity of the projects reflects the expanding limits of industrial design, embracing the possibilities of physical and psychological interactions in a rapidly changing field.

pSyracuse Universitybr /
Industrial + Interaction Design comes to NYC/p

pApril 29th, 2010br /
Reception: 6pmbr /
Guest speaker thesis presentations: 7pm/p

pLubin Housebr /
11 East 61st Streetbr /
NY, NY/blockquotebr /
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