Synthetic Aesthetics: Call for Participants

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pa href=””Synthetic Aesthetics/a is a new project between Stanford and Edinburgh that brings together synthetic biology and design in the interest of encouraging new kinds of collaborations to emerge. For two weeks, through 12 funded residencies, 6 synthetic biologists will spend two weeks in artistic studios and design workspaces and 6 artists/designers will spend two weeks in synthetic biology laboratories, developing a project together over the month. /p

pa href=””E. Chromi/a, a project by Synthetic Aesthetics Design Fellow Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, that proposes how synthetic biologists may use color in the near and far future, is a precedent. /p

pThe call for participants is out now. If you’re an artist, designer, science fiction writer, engineer, biologist, chemist, etc, etc, etc, we encourage you to apply! The deadline is March 31st. Guidelines a href=””here/a. /p

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pemThe Scatalog: Cheap Personal Disease Monitoring from E.Chromi/em/pa href=””(more…)/a
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