Sydney Attempts to Makes Amends with SANAA


Now that SANAA, the Japanese architecture team of Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, have been at the forefront of the industry for the past few years, with the New Museum of Contemporary Art two summers ago and most recently with the upcoming Serpentine Pavilion in London on the tips of many tongues, we found this story interesting over at the Brisbane Times, “In Utzon’s Shadow: The Other Architects Shunned by the City,” which concerns SANAA’s relationship with Australia. In 1997, the architects won the bid to build a new extension to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, only to see their plans almost immediately canceled and a new competition starting up again just a few years later. Now, more than a decade later, the city has invited SANAA to put together a show at the Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation. Still must sting a bit, one for the architects in losing the commission, but mostly for Sydney for missing their chance to work with what would soon become red hot, budding starchitects.

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