Suspect Architect Opens Up Shop in UK, While India Relaxes Strict Requirements for Architecture Schools
Posted in: UncategorizedTwo interesting, random stories from lands afar now. First comes a piece from London, where David Grant has moved to form the architecture firm Inspire Design. Nothing particularly exciting there, except the Times reports that he moved there from Dublin where he was outed in a television documentary back in 2005 for working as an architect without formal training and creating a series of dangerous buildings, mostly hostels (one of which burnt down several years ago). Fleeing all his troubles in Ireland, he’s now set up shop in the UK while simultaneously trying to sell off all his old suspect buildings back home. We have a feeling that we would have seen a repeat of this whole thing, but on a much larger, tragic scale with David Fisher and his rotating buildings and suspect-training. On a much, much more positive, but slightly related training-for-architects note, India is reportedly opening up their university architecture programs beyond just science students. Now the country will allow anyone with focuses in math, statistics, or “business math” (we’re not sure what that means) to try and gain entry into architecture programs. Maybe both Grant and Fisher were math majors and could going back and hitting the books
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