Super Bowl Ads 2009 Part One

The Pittsburgh Steelers may have won the Super Bowl itself, but with adland watching the breaks as excitedly as the game, who were the advertising winners on the day? Well, apart from NBC, who screens the Super Bowl and, financial crisis or no financial crisis, reportedly charged up to $3 million per 30-second spot this year. In return advertisers are assured of an audience of approximately 100 million viewers. Here’s our selection of the best spots of the day. First up is this ad from Wieden + Kennedy Portland for jobs website Perhaps not the easiest product to sell in today’s market, this spot takes the comical approach. 

Wieden + Kennedy revisits the charm of its Happiness Factory spot in this new ad for Coca-Cola, Heist.

And W+K also completed this feel-good number for Coke too.

Jason Statham engages in a car chase through the decades in this spot for Audi from Venables Bell & Partners, San Francisco.

E-Trade tackles the credit crunch through a combination of baby talk and retro tunes in this ad by Grey, New York.

Miller High Life keeps it short (and cheap) with this one-second ad from Saatchi & Saatchi New York. A series of out-takes were then posted online at 

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