Style Your Bedroom After Your Urban-Junkie Self!

imageCity-life excites you — that’s why you pay the big bucks for a little apartment in the heart of one. “Cute”, to you, are vinyl records. Your collection of unique, retro knick-knacks, like kitty-cat clocks, define your living space in a way that lace drapery defines Martha Stewart’s. And forget Martha Stewart … a peek at your casa shows more chic and contemporary mogul-essences, like “MTV” and “Dan Humphrey”. You think all of the colors match, so long as they’re used sparingly amongst your blanket of industrial chromatic colors. Layers and accessory-overload have always been part of your outfit — because you’ve got so much cool stuff to show off. You’re casual enough to admit that your favorite piece of modern art is a magazine, but your space says you’re more sophisticated than the average person, merely for your display of current pop-culture artifacts. You like your coffee black (which you excessively sip to your very seasoned playlist via designer-sound system that features both DJ Tiesto and The Beatles back to back) because you’ve already got enough flavor in your life’s cup. Your top bookmarks are EQ3, UrbanOutfitters, and IKEA — just to see what other cool junk you can use to spice up your sharp abode. This post is for you, Urban Junkie. Skim through the slideshow for a documentary of your eccentric metropolitan style!

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