Stephanie Rammeloo’s amazing home in Amsterdam


You probably remember this post … I think everybody in blogland agreed that this is a gorgeous living room…I was lucky that after posting the person who lives here send me a very nice email and her name is Stephanie Rammeloo.


Stephanie lives in this amazing house in Amsterdam and as you can clearly see from her home she is a very creative and stylish lady … Stephanie began her career by making cookbooks and advertising concepts for a publisher, but soon she became a freelance stylist, and as she calls herself she is a concept-designer, working for Dutch magazines like VT Wonen


But that’s certainly not all this very nice lady does… Stephanie recently co-authored, styled and illustrated two fantastic cook books….The first one is Happiness is a Cupcake together with  Sanne Dirkzwager and beautiful photography by Paul Barbera, on of Stephanie’s favorite photographers.


Stephanie works from this office…yes I’m jealous and Yes I love and understand ‘the white’ … her latest cook book is about my favorite food country in the world, although I love the asian food, I have to eat Italian once a week, so Stephanie’s wonderful book is high on my wish-list… La Cucina d’Abruzzo… Stephanie partnered up again with Sanne Dirkzwager and created the whole concept for this cook book, the beautiful images are by Mark Niedermann.


One of Stephanie’s best examples of knowing how to bring style, functionality and taste to a house is her fantastic own home … her friend Paul Barbera
made some beautiful pictures of it. 


And with knowing how to combine functionality with style I mean these
two great build-in closets, the white doors are amazing, I would love
to hear who made them for her 🙂


For her work, Stephanie needs to keep the inspiration flowing, she likes
to keep up with what is happening in the
world and according to her there is no better way of doing this than
traveling, so she tries to do that as often as possible…well Stephanie
you are more than welcome to visit Malaysia and help me create a beautiful home like yours. Thank you!

If you would like to ask Stephanie something about her work please send her an email.

Tomorrow I will be showing you a post about Stephanie’s visit to Maison et Objet in Paris last January, where she made some great images for us and spotted the latest trends.

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