Starting Out: Nelly Ben Hayoun, Designer/Performer

pema href=””Starting Out/a is a series about designers who have recently struck out on their own. More than a string of studio visits, the series profiles talented, risk-taking professionals all around the world. We hope their anecdotes will inspire your own entrepreneurial spirit. /p

pIn our second installment, we talk with a href=””Nelly Ben Hayoun/a, a London-based experience designer who mixes science with theatre, fact with fantasy and is no stranger to the pages of Core77. We visited her at the Sunbury Workshops in Shoreditch (not 5 minutes from Jasper Morrison’s), met some of her studiomates (we’ll be hearing from them later), and got caught up on what she’s all about. /em/p

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pemTop: Nelly in her workspace. Bottom: a href=””Airspace Activism/a, a project that helps citizens regain control of the military airspace above their heads./em/p

pbCore77:/b Nelly, in a few words, how would you describe what you do?/p

pbNelly Ben Hayoun:/b I am interested in how we can use design in our everyday lives to make them more thrilling, creative and passionate. I design experiences./p

pbC77:/b How did you first start out?/p

pbNBH:/b Starting out on my own is closely linked to my life as part of the studio. a href=””Olivia Decaris/A who I knew from the a href=” “Royal College of Art/a , approached me about sharing a studio with 4 other ex-RCA graduates around October 2009. I remember it very well; at that time I was organizing the a href=””Super K Sonic BOOOOum/a show at a href=””Shunt/a under London Bridge. She made me visit it and I was very charmed by its location – central London and very close to so many workshops. So, literally 4 months after graduation at the RCA. /p

pBefore sharing the studio and during the interim period of finishing study, you kind of wander around looking for new challenges and places to exhibit your work. I did one more show with my RCA Design Interactions colleagues under the label a href=””Disruptive Thinking/a at a href=””100% Design with Designers block/a during the London Design festival. /p

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pemNelly and other Sudbury Workshop designers with the broken down car of a friend./em/pa href=””(more…)/a
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