Stanley Donwood’s Pandemons

Detail from one of Stanley Donwood’s pandemons, proving that goat + suit = quite frightening

El Chupacabra, the latest series of paintings from artist Stanley Donwood, opens at the Weapon of Choice Gallery in Bristol on 10 July. 13 horned  “pandemons” dressed in suits feature in the show, each daubed with streaks of paint. Something tells us that Donwood is not a fan of bankers… 

“I’ve got nothing against goats,” says Donwood of the new series. “I’ve just discovered that if I draw a goat, give it the mouth of a rapacious carnivore then dress it in the suit and tie of a disgraced banker or politician it looks fucking evil.”

“[These are] 13 spectres at the feast of the goat. Loitering on the blackened cliffs of free-market economics, cackling as they raise a glass to toast Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Augusto Pinochet. Gallons of paint I’ve poured over them to drown their snickering. But still they laugh.”

Oh, and in case you were wondering, el chupacabra means “the goat sucker” in Spanish. 

El Chupacabra is at the Weapon of Choice Gallery, 14 St Michael’s Hill, Bristol, BS2 8DT from 10 July to 9 August


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