Spring ahead by changing batteries, among other things

daylight-savings-timeI’m still not accustom to Daylight Savings coming so early in March. It took me off guard to find out that in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow is when I need to turn the clocks ahead. In addition to springing forward, daylight savings also is a great opportunity to get a few household chores out of the way.

Change your batteries: First you should replace all of your batteries in your home’s smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. You may also want to vacuum the dust that may have collected on the sensors over the past year. If your smoke detector is older than 10 years you should replace it with a new detector (The linked detector has a lithium battery that lasts for 10 years.) Sensors can lose their detection ability after a decade of use. And remember, batteries can be recycled at any Best Buy in the US. 

Clean out your medicine cabinet: This is also a good time to take stock of your medicine cabinet. If you have expired products discard them and make a list of what you need to replace for your next shopping trip. Don’t flush medicines down the toilet or a sink drain. Drop them off at your local pharmacy or hospital to be incinerated with other medical waste.

Prep your yard for spring: For those of us in the colder half of the world, take advantage of the first spring-like day to go through your yard and prep it for a big spring cleaning. Remove late falling leaves, branches, and other miscellaneous debris. It has been a hard winter this year, and I’m really looking forward to this.

Are there other chores that our readers partake in during daylight savings? Tell us about your chores in the comments.

(Image is an AP file photo)

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