Space Dog Piñata

Matt Singer’s Sputnik-inspired papier-mâché party game

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Whether you delight in watching others struggle blindly to hit their mark, or you enjoy giving a papier-mâché animal a hearty whack, piñatas offer instant revelry for party-goers of any age. Designer Matt Singer recently gave the age-old party game a new form with his Space Dog piñata, inspired by the puppies sent into orbit by the Soviet Union during the 1950s and ’60s.

The handmade piñatas play up the kitsch appeal with three Russian dogs—Laika, Belka or Strelka—suspended alongside a tiny Sputnik space capsule and miniature Saturn. Once busted open, the Space Dog will drop an assortment of classic candy, a yo-yo and a mini space dog to the ground.

The Space Dog Piñata comes in blue (Belka), red (Laika) or green (Strelka) and sells online from Matt Singer for $75 each.

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