Sotheby’s meets Design Academy Eindhoven
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pAnother development in the increased role auction houses are beginning to play in promoting the next wave of design talent: a href=””Sotheby’s/a is now taking an interest in selling work produced by newly emerging designers. To do so, they have teamed up withmdash;who elsemdash;the a href=””Design Academy Eindhoven/a to sell work produced by several of last year’s top graduates. (For more on auction houses + new design, read our mini-post on Chicago’s a href=””Wright Auction House/a). /p
pThe work from Eindhoven will be presented at Sotheby’s London between May 14 and 18, 2010 after a stop at the Milan Furniture Fair. Much of the work from the graduating class can be seen in our a href=”″Dutch Design Week Gallery/a from October, but detailed descriptions and press images of three favorites follow. /p
pbInflatable Void, Yoeri Treffers/b (top):br /
blockquoteIt is difficult to close yourself off from everything and everyone around you. Images, sounds and objects surround us almost everywhere. Because many people, according to Yoeri Treffers, do need to be completely by themselves sometimes, he devised an inflatable cube made of polythene. The cube is inflated within 20 seconds by a fan hanging from the ceiling. The exact shape taken by the cube is dependent on the objects in the environment, so can vary each time. With its dimensions of three cubic metres, it is large enough for an average living room or bedroom./blockquote/pa href=””(more…)/a
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