Sometimes the trailer’s better than the moving


I feel guilty posting things that are clearly designed only for the rich, but I saw this one and just had to have it (well, for the blog). The Opera is a wickedly collapsible mobile living thingamajiggy (they insist it’s “not a tent, not a caravan and not a motor home”) designed by Belgium’s Enthoven Associates and manufactured by hand in the Netherlands. And while it packs up small, it opens up pretty large:

The dimensions of the Opera are magical. When it has opened and levelled itself by electric power – inside 5 minutes and without tent pegs, stabilizer jacks and loose tent poles – what you see is a residence measuring 7 metres long, more than 3 metres wide and 3.5 metres high with every conceivable luxury: two first class and electrically adjustable beds that become one with a single simple movement, hot and cold water, ceramic toilet, LED lighting and a mobile hob and barbecue….

There’s also an espresso bar and a wine cabinet in case like, you get thirsty.

If you’re eccentric-rich, I suggest you buy one of these and plunk it down in the middle of an American trailer park, for one of the most assymetrical forays into Keeping Up With the Joneses ever.


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