Some Thoughts on Seeing the Film Objectified


We had the wonderful treat of getting to catch the Chicago premiere of Objectified last night. It was a terrific film and you should all go see it when it comes to your town. Here are some miscellaneous things that were thought during the screening and some stuff from the after party:

  • It’s easier to understand why Jonathan Ive doesn’t do many interviews or speak in public that often. He’s kind of creepy. Charming, sure, but still a little weird (we’re sure the accent does a lot to additionally mask that as well).
  • The footage of Chris Bangle talking about automotive design must have been shot well before he recently resigned from BMW. Fortunately, they were able add “Former” to his “Head of Design” title.
  • Our long time crush on Alice Rawsthorn continues unabated.
  • We had no idea that Rob Walker looked like that. Had always pictured him to look different for some reason. Now we know.
  • Director Gary Hustwit told us at the after party that he shot everything in Ikea using a cart and a heavy box to weigh it down as a dolly. Surprisingly, they did have permission to shoot there.
  • Gary is also one of the nicest human beings alive. We’re reminded of that each time we’ve met him.
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