Soma so good

Bristol’s Soma Gallery is five years old. To celebrate, it is staging a show of some of its most popular artists, with works available for sale through the online shop

Soma’s Fiona Hamilton explains that “As Soma was five a couple of months ago, we thought, to do justice to the anniversary, that we would have a big show featuring work from our most popular artists from the last five years. The exhibition is loosely titled/themed My Favourite Present, although only a handful are working to this.”

Artists on show include Adam Bridgland (Posy For You shown above), Sam Chilvers (Lucky 8 shown below)


Lucy Gough (Ticker Tape shown below)


Sally Elford (Golden Peacock shown below)


And Peskimo (Merry Synthmas shown below)

All prints are available to buy from the Soma shop, as are, if you’re looking for Christmas presents, Matt Pugh‘s painted wooden owls

and this rather nice fox scarf by Donna Wilson


The Soma Gallery is at Clifton Arcade, Boyces Avenue, Clifton, Bristol. More here


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