SO-ILs Pole Dance Selected for P.S.1s Young Architects Program

As winter starts to wear on us and the possibility of warmer months some time off in the distant future, it’s that time of year again when P.S.1 announces their selection for their Young Architects Program and releases details of the temporary courtyard park they’ll be building for the summer. This year, it’s the Brooklyn-based firm SO-IL, or Solid Objectives – Idenburg Liu (those last names standing for Florian Idenburg and Jing Liu) for their piece Pole Dance. The firm is just under three years old, but already they’ve developed projects around the world, from a residence in upstate New York, to a museum in The Netherlands. Below, you’ll find the video they put together for the competition, giving you a chance to see what’s planned for this summer. After the jump, you’ll find a full description of their plans for the courtyard.


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