SO-ILs Pole Dance Opens Up at P.S.1


Back in January, we told you that Florian Idenburg and Jing Liu of the firm Solid Objectives – Idenburg Liu (or SO-IL for those on the go) had won P.S.1‘s 11th annual Young Architects Program courtyard commission. Six months later, here we are, with this past weekend marking the opening of Pole Dance, their temporary space loaded up with connected bungees and gigantic, 25-foot-tall poles, along with hammocks, misters and rain collecting plants. Should you have missed it, SO-IL put up this great site showing off their plans for the project, construction photos and descriptions about the concept. From there, you’re also able to log on to their mobile app that will allow you to trigger various elements at the courtyard in person. Julie Iovine of the Wall Street Journal was there at the pre-opening party for the space, talking to Liu and Idenburg about the project. Here’s a bit about its origin:

“We began with the idea of our fragility,” said Ms. Liu, “and showing people how our every action has an impact on destabilizing everything else in a ripple effect.”

“And then there’s the virtualization of our lives,” added Mr. Idenburg. “We do everything online. That virtualization is the reason we stopped taking as much care about our physical surroundings. ‘Pole Dance’ is a metaphor for this weakness in us.”

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