Smart cap turns old soda cans into safe sharps disposal.
Posted in: UncategorizedWe’ll break the series of reader contributed tips for this very interesting and clever item we just found on Core 77. According to Hân Pham – inventor of the Antivirus cap – unsafe handling of syringes, needles and other medical sharps cause more than 200,000 HIV infections each year, plus millions of Hepatitis cases and other injuries. The solution above, utilizing an item available in great numbers (the used soda can) adding a smart lid to make disposing of needles and other infected sharps easy and safe could save lives. If this invention, an Index:2007 Awards nominee, is not in production, it should be. Check out the Index:2007 list, among the nominees are several we’ve already mentioned on Smart Stuff during the past year! ;-)brbr
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