Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

Dutch designer Pepe Heykoop has created this collection of furniture by covering an assortment of old chairs in odd scraps of leather.

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

The leather offcuts are roughly stitched together, covering each chair entirely.

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

Photography by Annemarijne Bax.

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

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Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

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Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

The following is from the designer:


Furnitures covered up in leather leftovers. The 25-30 percent waste of leather in the furniture industry triggered me to make something beautiful. Covers out of waste.

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

This project is fed by leather scrap, turning it into random skin patterns, refering to cell structures and growth in nature.

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

The furnitures used are existing, modified and therefore sometimes slightly seem to grow.

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

Recycling old furnitures and leatherscrap into fairytale furnitures.

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

Designed and executed by: Studio Pepe Heykoop
Materials: mainly existing chairs, wood, metal, foam, glue, leather
Size: different sizes
Year: 2011

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

Skin Collection by Pepe Heykoop

See also:


by Pepe Heykoop
Soft Oak chair
by Pepe Heykoop
by Pepe Heykoop
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