Sine Cabinet by Dik Scheepers

Sine Cabinet by Dik Scheepers

Dutch designer Dik Scheepers has created a cabinet made of oak and translucent corrugated PVC.

Sine Cabinet by Dik Scheepers

The use of corrugated PVC for the Sine Cabinet was inspired by flower-selling booths in the area near Amsterdam where Dik Scheepers grew up.

Sine Cabinet by Dik Scheepers

“People associate corrugated PVC with cheapness and poverty – a shame because it’s such a nice material if you see the light fall trough it,” Scheepers told Dezeen. “By combining it with a material such as oak, an traditional material for quality furniture, that feeling changes.”

Sine Cabinet by Dik Scheepers

The frame extends behind the enclosed space of the cupboard because he wanted the piece not to be forgotten as its owner becomes used to its presence. “I wanted to make a cabinet that you can’t just put against a wall, but it jumps off it,” he explains.

Sine Cabinet by Dik Scheepers

“The cabinet will change over time,” he adds. “The longer it stands, the fuller it gets, the less it will reveal because the corrugated PVC will loose its transparency.”

Sine Cabinet by Dik Scheepers

He’s now looking for a manufacturer and making the pieces in his own workshop in the meantime.

Sine Cabinet by Dik Scheepers

We’ve previously featured Dik Scheepers’ series of furniture entitled Unpølished, which mixed discarded paper with cement.

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The post Sine Cabinet by
Dik Scheepers
appeared first on Dezeen.

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