Simple steps to unclutter your workspace

Today we welcome guest post writer Jaky Astik, who blogs about country, culture, and change on his blog Stories and Stuff.

Five easy steps to unclutter your office life:

  1. Stop using sticky to-do notes. Instead, use a more permanent system, like Tasks inside Gmail. You can’t misplace a digital file as easily as you can a sticky note.
  2. Use Google Docs and encourage your coworkers to do the same. There isn’t any paper to clutter up your desk. You can simultaneously work on spreadsheets and documents. And, you can save time since your documents will auto organize themselves.
  3. Every day before you leave the office, put things in order. Your files, pens, staples, etc. should be returned to it’s proper place. You’ll start your morning uncluttered.
  4. Get rid of the emotional clutter at work. Whether you get angry about a coworker or you don’t like or a rude boss, these aggravations distract from your job. Negative thoughts add up an emotional clutter to your life that will eventually burden your brain.
  5. Repurpose small cardboard boxes for drawer dividers. You don’t need the most beautiful product to do a job effectively. Small cardboard boxes come in handy and help organize things effortlessly.

What tips and tricks do you use to keep clutter to a minimum in your office? Share your tips in the comments.

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