Shoe of the Week: Hunter Wellington Boot

imageFor some of us it’s hard to think about strapping on heavy boots and bundling up in coats. I know we’re still in the summer season and the sun is shining outside, but it’s never too early to start thinking about Fall! Fall is my favorite season so may be a bit biased, but looking at clothes for Autumn gets me all giddy inside! I’m also a sucker for shoes, so what’s better than combining my favorite piece of fashion with my favorite season? Nothing. To get ready for those rainy days, you’ll need a killer pair of rainboots. Check out these Wellingtons by Hunter. They’re pretty much incredible! Equestrian prep is making an appearance this Fall and these rainboots have got that look right! You get to look stylish while keeping your feet warm and dry, so forget about plain old rainboots, these babies have style down to a science. They’re shiny, and have this amazing quilted detail along the side of the boot. I’ll admit it, with these boots looking as cute as they do I would wear them without waiting for a rainy day!
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