Share Festival exhibitions online


The highly acclaimed Share Festival in Turin, Italy is opening tonight and two of the festival’s key exhibitions are available online.

Market Forces
Curated by Simona Lodi
Can artists be an alternative source of information on the economy? In the Market Forces exhibition, artists were sought out who have produced works related to marketing, e-commerce, and commercial communication. Their tongue-in-cheek and at times paradoxical works often use the real or virtual supermarket as a favourite setting to be subverted and transformed into an artistic field of action, often of an activist bent. The artistic works selected make us cringe at the screech of over-used words such as global companies, credit crunch, new-economy, neo-capitalism, gift-economy, free-economy, and neo-liberalism.

Until the end of Cinema
Curated by Luca Barbeni
Until the end of Cinema is a screening featuring a series of audio-visual works that begin where cinema ceases to exist, taking us from the linear to the interactive, from the collective to an individual perspective.
The works each use, at various different levels, the global infrastructure of the Internet in its intrinsic qualities, representing an evolutionary step forward in expressive techniques for audiovisual narration.
The works presented in the screening are no longer cinema, but nor are they something else.


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