Service Design Network Conference 2010: Connecting the Dots

pa href=””img alt=”RegisterNow_Signature_Mauer.png” src=”×162-5572.png” width=”468″ height=”162″ class=”mt-image-center” style=”text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;” //a/p

pThe Service Design Network (SDN)mdash;perhaps the biggest promoter of their growing discipline in Europe, headed by Service Design ambassador Birgit Magermdash;are building on the successes of last year’s “Beyond Basics” conference in Madeira, Portugal with the 3rd Service Design Network Conference coming to Berlin in October, under the title “a href=””Connecting the Dots/a.”/p

pSDN are hell-bent on raising the profile of Service Design in the public domain. You might recall the inspiring supplement they produced for the UK broadsheet, emThe Guardian,/em earlier this year, raising the profile of Service Design in homes across the country (on Core77 a href=””here/a). To this year’s gathering, SDN hope to attract a wide range of service-orientated companies and institutions, public services, universities and Service Design agencies from around the world./p

pstrongConnecting the Dots: br /
Service Design Network Conference 2010, Berlin/strongbr /
13-14th October 2010br /
(SDN “Members’ Day” – 15th October)/p

pMore information and registration a href=””here/a/pa href=””(more…)/a
pa href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

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