Seriously cool wraparound video from Immersive Media

p(There’s no screengrabs or images here for a reason. Read on.)/p

pDavid McCutchen was a film industry special effects guy, and he wanted a camera that could record 360 degrees. When he couldn’t find one, he designed and developed his own rig. And for the record, this was wayyy before IThe Matrix/I–we’re talking 1989./p

pAfter being granted his patent in 1991, McCutchen built a company around the technology three years later:/p

blockquoteSince 1994, A HREF=”” Immersive Media/A has been the world leader in 360°, full motion, interactive videos. The Dodeca® 2360 camera system, Immersive Media’s flagship product, is currently in fourth-generation hardware. The company maintains ongoing development of new camera and software platforms, with a patent portfolio covering key discoveries and capabilities of interactive and immersive video./blockquote

pTo see what they’re capable of, A HREF=”” click this link/A. We don’t want to spoil the surprise of what the video is, but make sure your speakers are on and be a little patient./pa href=””(more…)/a
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