Selling digital

As promised, we have started to put together films of the sessions at our Click Singapore conference. The first two are from a panel discussion on the difficulties of selling digital work

To see both films, go to the CRTV section of the website, here

Click is our international conference on digital advertising and creativity. This year, we will be running Click in Singapore, New York and London.

Click New York is on October 1 where speakers include Rob Reilly of Crispin Porter, Khoi Vinh, design director of the New York Times online, Vincent Morisset of AATOAA and Jason Zada of Tool. The day will be chaired by Michael Lebowitz of Big Spaceship. For full programme and ticket details, please go here

Click London will be on November 12 and will be chaired by Johan and Måns Tesch with speakers including 42 Entertainment, Teenage Engineering and Sony Music. More details here

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