Screw panic rooms. Get a Bordeaux room


Have you ever been sitting in your panic room during a home invasion and thought to yourself: Why the heck don’t I have my collection of prized wines down here? Most of us know that helplessly monitoring armed intruders in ski masks while they pillage your parlor goes down easier with a spot of 19th century Madeira. “Oh, look at that,” you’d say, staring at the grainy black-and-white image while absently swirling your glass, “the little bastards are taking the Rembrandt.”

There’s this company called Spiral Cellars that doesn’t really make panic rooms, but they do make these cool turnkey wine cellars. They do everything: These guys show up in a van, jackhammer through your foundation, build this crazy spiral staircase that’s got the wine bottles stored in a spiral around the periphery, and even take care of the paperwork with your local government.


Okay so I realize this is out of the reach of most of us–I think if I was that rich, I wouldn’t ever even need to look at the internet–but relatability be damned, I can’t help but find this company and their product fascinating, what with their wide variety of motorized trap doors and the like. And while home invasion isn’t cool, panic rooms and secret wine cellars are cool. Very, very cool.



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