Sara Krines’ “cubistic” calendar design


Berlin-based designer Sara Krines’ experimental wall calendar is like the long-form version of a Tokyoflash watch: There’s a learning curve you need to get around before you can read it. As Krines describes it,

My approach was/ is to organize time (months, weeks and days) in an unusual way. Taking my personal needs into consideration, I designed a calendar which devides the year into 12 months. Each month is devided into 7 fields, which represent the days of the week (Monday through Sunday). Whithin these fields the dates, which in this month fall on that particular day of the week.

For example: In january 2010 the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25st fall on a Monday. Therefore these dates are shown within the field of Monday, January 2010. In addition I developed a very easy code to replace words (names of months and weeks). This code underlines the cubistic form of the calendar and is explained in a graphic, which is printed on the packaging.

The calendar is available for purchase here.


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