Salone Milan 2011 Preview: Case Study for Tron + Corian + Lago, by Shai Akram

shai_tron.jpgLiving Room Concept for Tron Designs Corian

Disney + Corian + Lago + Us + lots of pizza = A living room concept for Milan 2011

It’s a long and (slightly) complicated story, full of unusual partnerships and unanticipated outcomes…Disney and Dupont have teamed up to exhibit in Milan this year. They decided to use two of their innovative products as the foundation the show—for Disney that was Tron: Legacy and Dupont wanted to take their well known material, Corian, into a new dimension.


The idea was to recreate the virtual world of Tron using Corian as the primary material and invite a selection of designers to propose furniture for each area of the ‘safe house’ (Kevin Flynns virtual home in the film). Invited designers and companies include Cappelini, Ernesto Meda and Lago.


Domestic furniture company Lago, is known for their interior ‘systems’ and unusual take on product communication, overseen inhouse by Diego Paccagnella. Paccagnella had the idea to create ‘Apartmentos‘ to showcase the company’s products in real-life situations—inviting people to live with the furniture and configure it to their individual needs as a convincing way to show the products in action. It was at the Apartmento in Zona Tortona two years ago that we first met Diego. My collaborator, Andrew Haythorntwaite and Jordi Canudas worked on a project (Buon Apettito) that needed some ‘unauthorised’ places to exhibit and Paccagnella (who knew Canudas previously) allowed the project to be shown at the Apartmento.

When Lago was approached to design the ‘living room concept’ for the Tron/Corian project, Paccagnella invited Canudas to particpate, and as the project was quite a large one—Jordi in turn extended the invitation to Haythorthwaite and I (the three of us had collaborated several times before). Which explains the ‘us’ in the equation—myself, Andrew Hathornthwaite and Jordi Canudas—three designers who enjoy working together and share an appreciation for the process of making as a kind of ‘performance’ of design.

us-in-gortan.jpgAndrew, Shai, Jordi


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